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Communities of Prayer


About Communities of Prayer:

Communities of Prayer is  a non-profit aimed at directing hearts toward a deeper prayer life through retreats, small group, and prayer resources.  Communities of Prayer was founded by Tom and Renee Grossman of Dallas, TX.

The Grossman Family
The Grossman Family

Tom was invited in 2015 to share his testimony on EWTN’s The Journey Home. His talks have also been featured on Shalom TV.  In 2017, after much prayer and consideration, the Grossman family sold their house of 12 years where they had been raising their 5 children:  Zion, Clare, Stella, Blaise, and Genevieve to open a family retreat center.

The Lord has provided multiple locations to see this plan come together, and as of today there are three retreat centers in various stages of development.  Communities of Prayer is available to serve your parish, family, or staff.

Communities of Prayer Location:

Dardanelle, Arkansas:  Ol’ Shalom Ranch


Two other locations…one in West Texas and one in Oklahoma are planned for the future.


Click here for the official website of Communities of Prayer ( you can also view Tom Grossman’s appearance on EWTN’s “The Journey Home”)

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