
Travel Advice for Catholics: Destinations, Trip Planner, Cruises, Calendar of Catholic Events Worldwide, Catholic Travel Blog, Catholic Travel Store

You requested it….. a travel website for Catholics!

Why? Like us, you have probably been frustrated by the lack of reliable Catholic information on most travel websites.  Sure, they offer reviews and useful information, but rarely cover them from a Catholic perspective…..and sometimes miss the significance of these places entirely.   This inspired us to create a travel website designed for you, the Catholic traveler.

First hand information, little known tidbits and great travel advice from experienced Catholic travelers enable you to incorporate your Catholic faith into your travels. Whether a pilgrimage, a vacation, a cruise, a business trip…wherever you travel….or even in your home town…..you are likely to find a Catholic place of interest. So use this site as your personal window to the Catholic travel world.  You can read more about us here.

Catholic Trip Planner:

Discover little-known tips & practical advice: Group vs Independent travel, Choosing a Catholic Tour Company, Travel Insurance, Airport Chapels, Destination Weddings for Catholics, Currency, Passports, Train Travel Tips and much more.

Catholic Travel Destinations:

Find places in various countries popular with Catholic travelers–and some little-known destinations as well. Descriptions, maps and contact information for Catholic shrines & places of interest around the world.

Cruise Information for Catholics:

Take your faith with you!  Ocean Cruises, River cruises, Barge Hotel cruises, Finding a cruise with a Catholic priest on board, Wedding Destinations, etc.


Join a Catholic Pilgrimage cruise with Select International
Check out one of these great Catholic river cruises from Select International Tours with some of your favorite priests and group leaders (Fr Leo Patalinghug, Bishop Kurt Burnette, Fr. James Blount, Gus Lloyd & many others)  Mention code CTguide and get a $100 discount.  

Calendar of Catholic Events:

Catholic Feast Days, Festivals, Special Events, Retreats and Conferences around the world. Have an event you want listed? Just send us an email.

Catholic Travel Blog:

Latest news and information….guest posters welcome!

Catholic Travel Guide Store:

Shop for Catholic gifts, Monastery Wines and more.   In most cases we earn a small commission, which helps us keep the lights on, so please take a look! 

Catholic Travel Resources:

We have pages here that are full of information but did not fit any particular category on our site, plus a number of external links to sites that provide you with useful travel information for both Catholics and non-Catholics.  Be sure to visit!


Want to help other Catholic Travelers?

Join in:    We have a comments section on each page, and we welcome any input you might have…tells us your experiences, offer suggestions for other Catholic travelers.  If we had 50 people working 50 hours a week, we still could not cover all the wonderful Catholic shrines and places of interest in the world.  But we will try!

We are always looking for additions to our website, so we welcome your suggestions!  Want to post on our blog?   Just drop us an email.

Oh…and about those ads you see on our website: they help pay the rent….without them this website would not be here to help you….
here is our advertising policy.

9 thoughts on “Home”

  1. I am looking for a site or way of connecting with solo female travelers who are Catholic ( value daily Mass,etc). I’d like to travel to different places not necessarily a traditional Catholic pilgrimage spot. Any suggestions? Thank you

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