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Catholic Shrines in Nicaragua

With a large Catholic population, Nicaragua offers a choice of many churches.  Opposition to the Somoza dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s, led to a campaign by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to overthrow the dictatorship in 1978–79.

The Contra War of the 1980s took the lives of tens of thousands of Nicaraguans and was the subject of fierce international debate.

The Contra War ultimately ended following the signing of the Tela Accord in 1989 and the demobilization of the FSLN and Contra armies.[18] A second election in 1990 resulted in the election of a majority of anti-Sandinista parties and the FSLN handing over power.


Matagalpa:  The Mountain of Peace


San Francisco de Cuapa:  Our Lady of Nicaragua Cuapa


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