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Catholic Sites in Mexico

Mexico is actually called United Mexican States (which, by the way, is in North America) and has a rich Catholic tradition dating back centuries to the arrival of the missionaries in the 1500’s. Up until that time thousands of human sacrifices took place each year; however, once the famous apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe in what is now Mexico City, hundreds of thousands of native people left their pagan religion behind and converted to the Catholic Christian faith.

Today, many people often think of Mexico as a strongly Catholic Country; however, there was a period of time in the 1920’s and 1930’s when the Mexican government embraced Communism and declared war on the Catholic faith.  Thousands of priests, nuns and civilians were killed in the ensuing violence which resulted in “The Cristero War”.

Despite what the media might portray, traveling with a group Mexico is safe. We hate to see people avoid Mexico when the trouble spots are far from those locations of interest to Catholics.

There literally hundred of places in Mexico of interest to Catholics.

Here are just a few of the more well-known ones:

Cabo San Lucas:  Popular tourist destination

Cacaxtla: Saint Michael’s Well

Mexico City: Our Lady of Guadalupe; Church of the Fifth Apparition; Shrine of Blessed Miguel Pro

Puebla: Incorrupt body of Bl. Sebastian of Aparicio;   Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary; The Secret Convent of Santa Monica

State of Tlaxcala:  Ocotlan & Tlaxcala (Apparitions of Jesus & Mary, Healing Well)

San Juan de Los Lagos: Shrine of San Juan de Los Lagos

Suahoyo: Tomb of Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio

Tixtla:  The Eucharistic Miracle of Tixtla


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