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Rome: San Lorenzo Youth Center


About the San Lorenzo Center:

Founded by Pope John Paul II in 1983, the San Lorenzo center is the official home of the World Youth Day Cross. Thousands of young people from all over the world come to the center each year to venerate the Cross.

But the center is much more than that. It is a magnet for young people from all over the world when they are in Rome either studying, working or just visiting. It offers, in many languages, a program of catechesis and social events specifically for young people.

The center is open Monday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. It is closed on Sundays.

The Emmanuel Community is entrusted with looking after the center and the Emmanuel School of Mission serves there each week.

The International Mass on Fridays is often is celebrated by Bishops and Cardinals of the Vatican. Pope Benedict celebrated Mass there in 2005. The center also hosts international communities and movements for events and Pilgrimages in Rome.

Other events include the Pilgrimage of the Seven Churches, Forums of the Emmanuel Community and the Easter Tridium

Their schedule for Monday through Thursday is as follows:
5:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession
6:00 p.m. Mass

Their schedule for Friday is as follows:
3:00 p.m. Prayer in St. Peter’s Square with World Youth Day Cross.
5:00-6:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession.
6.30 p.m. International Mass
7:00 p.m. Social time and refreshments


Location of the San Lorenzo Center:

The San Lorenzo center is just a few blocks from Saint Peter’s Square, and easy to miss if you are not looking for it.  Originally the Church of St. Lawrence in Piscibus, dating from the 12th century, it went through many changes and eventually was de-consecrated and used as a study hall and sculptor’s studio.  Pope John Paul II  re-consecrated the church with a special Mass in March 1983 and it became the San Lorenzo Center.

Address:  Via Pfeiffer 24, 00193 Roma

Tel:  +39 (06) 6988 5332          Fax: +39 (06) 6988 5095

email: centrosanlorenzo@laity.va, csl@laity.va

Click here for the official website of the San Lorenzo Center in Rome.

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