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Rome: Church of Santa Maria Dell’ Orto (Mass in Japanese)


About the Church of Santa Maria Dell’ Orto (Saint Mary of the Garden):

The history of this church is related to a miracle reported around 1488.  A sick farmer, afflicted with a serious palsy, was healed after praying to an image of the Virgin Mary painted close to the entrance to his own garden.  Construction of the church began in 1489, the church was not completed until 1567.

The interior is magnificent and includes numerous works of art.

This is the Japanese national church in Rome where you can find Mass in Japanese.  Visitors from Japan are one of the largest nationalities coming to the “Eternal City”.

Finding the Church of Santa Maria Dell’ Orto:

Address: Via Anicia 10, 00153 Roma RM, Italy

Tel:  +39 (06) 58301874. For particular demands, call the number indicated in the answering machine.

email: info@santamariadellorto.it

Click here for the official website of the Church of Santa Maria Dell’ Orto.

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