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Rome: The Catacombs of Saints Marcellino and Pietro

About the Catacombs of the Saints Marcellino and Pietro:

Fresco of Agape Feast in the catacombs of SS. Marcellino e Pietro
Fresco of Agape Feast Wikimedia Commons See page for author [Public domain]
If you only visit one of the catacombs of Rome, then this should be the one.  The Catacombs of the Saints Marcellino and Pietro date from the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D.  They contain some of the earliest Christian frescoes:  Old and New Testament scenes including Daniel in the den of lions, the raising of Lazarus, Jesus’ multiplication of loaves, and Moses’ miraculous striking of a rock to provide water. There are also scenes of an Agape Feast (a communal meal shared among Christians).

Thanks to laser technology, the frescoes have been restored to their original beauty and finally re-opened to the public in 2014.

The site is next door to the ruins of the Mausoleum of Helena (mother of Emperor Constantine) which was built by Constantine in about 315 A.D.


Tours are available. You need to book in advance ( see telephone number below) and there is a small cost.  Like many places in Rome, they are closed the entire month of August.

Finding the Catacombs of Saints Marcellino and Pietro:


The Catacombs of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter are located on the Via Casilina. They are easily reached via the tram line that runs from the Stazione per le Linee del Lazio, located on the west side of the Roma Termini station to the Berardi station that is across the street from the catacomb complex.

Address:  Via Casilina, 641 – 00177 ROMA – Italy

Tel: +39 339 65 28 887 (Info&Booking)

email: santimarcellinoepietro@gmail.com

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