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Mount Nebo, Jordan


About Mount Nebo:

As mentioned in the Bible (Deuteronomy), Mount Nebo (about 3,000 feet above sea level) was the place from which Moses was given a view of the Promised Land. From here a visitor can see much of the Holy Land: the West Bank city of Jericho, the River Jordan, and if it is a clear day, all the way to Jerusalem.

It has been visited by two modern-day Popes: John Paul II in 2000, when he planted an olive tree as a symbol of peace; and Benedict XVI, in 2009.

About The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo:

Built on the spot where an earlier 4th Century church once stood, the modern chapel contains the remnants of mosaic floors from various periods. The building, under the custody of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Land, was closed for renovations from 2000 until October, 2016, when it was officially re-opened.

In 2019, two new chapels were opened on Mount Nebo: the chapel of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the chapel of Prophet Elijah.  These two chapels are designed to accommodate and the growing number of pilgrim groups that are requesting to celebrate Mass here.

You can view a video of the opening of these chapels here.

Traveling to Mount Nebo:

Mount Nebo is about 15 miles Southwest of Jordan’s capital city of Amman, and about 30 miles west of the international airport. Many Holy Land pilgrimage groups pay a visit here.

Click here for the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land website.

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