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Jerusalem: The Western Wall


The wall is part of the retaining wall from the original Temple Mount in Jerusalem (the Temple was torn down by the Romans in 67 AD).  It is the closest place to pray for most Jews, since they do not have access to the Temple Mount area.  For this reason, it is considered holy by those of the Jewish faith.

It has been called “the Wailing Wall” in the past, as it was a place for Jews to mourn their fallen state.  Once the reunification of Jerusalem took place after the six-day war in 1967, the term has been used less and less, since it was felt that there was now nothing to mourn, and it is now most commonly called the Western Wall.


Prayer notes are frequently left between crevices of the stones which, as you can see, are gigantic.   You will find people of all religions praying here and Bar Mitzvahs are also held here.  Men-only are allowed on one side….there is a separate women’s prayer area off to the right side, as you can see from the photo.

You will probably want to follow the tradition of placing your prayer petitions here as many thousands of pilgrims (and Popes) have done in the past.  Note that dress should be modest in this area.
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