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Quito, Eucador: Conceptionist Monastery & Our Lady of Good Success

About Our Lady of Good Success:

The Conceptionist Monastery of Quito, Ecuador is one of the oldest convents in South America and was founded in 1577 by a small group of sisters from Spain.  They were headed by Mother Abbess Maria Taboada.

One of the future Mother Abbesses of the Convent traveled along with them: A brave, faith-filled young girl of just 13 years old originally from the Basque area of Spain traveled to Quito, Ecuador, with the five founding members of a religious order called The Royal Convent of the Immaculate Conception. They became known as the Conceptionist Sisters.

The young Mariana de Jesus Torres had made her First Holy Communion at age seven on December 8, 1572 and accepted her vocation. The world that Mariana entered in a new continent was much  more primitive than any of those in old Europe. The young Mariana became a solemn professed nun at the age of 16 on October 4, 1579, taking the name Mariana de Jesus Torres. 

In 1582, when Mother Mariana was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, for the first time the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and she was given to see the heresy, blasphemy and impurity that would inundate the world as punishment in the 20th century. Our Lady asked her: “My daughter, will you sacrifice yourself for the people of this time?” Mother Mariana replied, “I am willing.” Our Lady showed her three swords about to pierce the heart of Jesus.

The prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success spoke of the worldwide crisis in the Church and society that would begin in the 19th century and extend throughout the 20th century. During that time, she warned, there would be an almost total corruption of customs and Satan would rule almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. In the Catholic Church the Sacraments would be profaned and abused, and the light of Faith would be almost completely extinguished in souls. Truly religious souls would be reduced to a small number and many vocations would perish. Great impurity would reign and people would be without any care for spiritual matters.

Mother Marian de Jesus Torres died on three separate occasions:

First death:  From the violence of the shock of previewing the horrors of our day, Mother Mariana fell dead (her first death).  Historic and documented evidence record that this holy religious truly died in 1582 and then came back to life.

Second Death: Her second death was on Good Friday after an apparition where she was again shown the horrible abuses and heresies that would exist in the Church in our times. She was resurrected two days later on Easter Sunday morning.

Third Death:  Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres died on January 16, 1635, shortly after the last apparition. When her tomb was reopened in 1906, her body was found to be incorrupt. The Archdiocese of Quito opened her cause for canonization in 1984 and finished the diocesan stage of the process in 1997.

We celebrate the Feast of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres on May 26th.

The statue of Our Lady of Good Success:

Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador
CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7885470

The statue of Our Lady of Good Success was requested by the Blessed Mother on February 2, 1610 when she appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres.

The work on the statue (life size, it might be pointed out) was begun, and partially completed, by a local artist who went off to find a special paint that he wanted to use to finish it.  However, that evening while he was gone, the statue was miraculously completed by St. Francis of Assisi and the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael.

It should be pointed out that although Mother Mariann is now Venerable…a step on the way to sainthood… Bishop Salvador de Ribera of Quito attested in official documents to the miraculous completion of the Statue and presided over the anointing of the solemn consecration of the Statue in the Church of the Royal Convent of the Immaculate Conception on February 2, 1611.

The devotion and apparitions were also authorized and promoted by the next Bishop of Quito, Pedro de Oviedo, who governed the Diocese from 1630 to 1646.  The Feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated in Ecuador and Spain on February 2.


A heartwarming story about prayers to Our Lady of Good Success answered:

Read this wonderful account of a couple who went to Quito, prayed and adopted four children (link will open in a new window..this page will stay open).


To learn more about Our Lady of Good Success we recommend “Our Lady of Good Success…Prophecies for Our Times” by Marian Therese Horvat.

About the Conceptionist Monastery in Quito:

The miraculous Statue of Our Lady of Good Success is taken from the cloistered upper choir three times a year and placed above the main altar of the Convent Church, so that it can be venerated by the people of Quito.

Mother Mariana’s body is enclosed in a glass sarcaphogus and is incorrupt to this day.

They have an online gift shop which we encourage you to visit.  Proceeds help to preserve the Convent.

Finding the Conceptionist Monastery in Quito:

Address:  Calle Mejía 527 y García Moreno, Quito – Pichincha – Ecuador

Tel: +593 (02) 2959823

email:  monasterioconcepcionistasq@gmail.com

Click here for the official website of the Conceptionist Monastery in Quito, Ecuador.

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