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Catholic shrines & places of interest in Quito, Ecuador

About Quito, Ecuador:

Quito was founded in 1534 by Spanish explorers, and is built over the ruins of an ancient Incan city.  It is the capital of Ecuador and has many Catholic places of interest.  Despite previous earthquakes, the city has survived and is well preserved.   The older churches are known for the ‘Baroque School of Ecuador’, a stylish blend of Spanish, Flemish, Moorish and native art.  There are many churches in the city, but we have listed a few here that might be of special interest.

Among the Catholic shrines and places of interest in Quito are:

Conceptionist Monastery Our Lady of Good Success & incorrupt body of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

Museo de San Miguel de Santiago Convento de San Augustin

Quinche: Shrine of Our Lady Quinche (just outside the city of Quito)

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