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Buenos Aires, Argentina

About Buenos Aires:

The name literally means “Good Air”, presumable because of its location.  Traditions says that the port got its name because it was deemed to be south enough of the marshes to protect against mosquitoes, making it a malaria-free port. The Spanish arrived in the region with the 1502 voyage of Amerigo Vespucci. Then Spanish navigator Juan Diaz de Solias visited what is now Argentina in 1516. Spain established a permanent colony on the site of Buenos Aires in 1580.

The port settlement was attacked by indigenous peoples in the mid-1500s, the port was abandoned   Spanish seaman Juan de Garay established a new settlement there in 1580 and kept the name, but extended it to become the “Ciudad de la Santísima Trinidad y Puerto de Nuestra Señora la Virgen María de los Buenos Aires” or the “City of the Most Holy Trinity and Port of Saint Mary of the Good Airs”.   Nice name, but a bit long, so it was shortened to Buenos Aires in the 17th century.

The city is filled with beautiful European architecture, museums, parks, and cafes and is tourist-friendly (especially for those speaking English, since many restaurants and hotels have staff speak English (it is studied on a mandatory basis from an early age).

Catholic Places of Interest in Buenos Aires:

As might be expected in this heavily Catholic country, the city of Buenos Aires has many sites of interest for Catholic visitors.

Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy (tomb of “Momma Antula”)

The Metropolitan Cathedral (coming soon)


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