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FRANCE (Paris) Annual Paris to Chartres Pilgrimage

The Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage occurs every year on the Saturday before the Feast of Pentecost in early summer, and is a multi-generational, multi-national gathering of Catholics who draw closer to God through the centuries-old act of pilgrimage.

The walk is roughly 62 miles over 3 days—beginning at daybreak on the Saturday before Pentecost, and ending with an afternoon mass on the Monday after Pentecost.

The trek takes 8,000-10,000 pilgrims from the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris (not re-opened yet) through the French countryside to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres.

Participants brave the weather, blisters, and humble food and accommodations as an act of faith and an act of reparation in these modern times.


Click here for the official Chartres Pilgrimage  website in English.

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2025 Will be a Jubilee Year

About the Jubilee Year 2025:

It was announced by Pope John Paul II at the end of the Great Jubilee (December 24, 1999 to January 6, 2001), that there will be a jubilee year every 25 years.   Therefore, the year 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, beginning on December 24, 2024 and ending on January 6, 2026.

A Jubilee Year is a special year of grace, in which the Catholic Church offers the faithful the possibility of asking for a plenary indulgence (the remission of sins for themselves or for deceased relatives).  A bit different from the secular calendar, the year starts on December 24.

Opening of the Holy Door in Rome to start the jubilee year
Opening of the Holy Door…Courtesy Vatican News Service

The most well-known rite that starts the Jubilee Year is the opening of the Holy Door in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

This is followed on successive days by opening the Holy Doors on the other 3 Major Basilicas: Saint John Lateran, Saint Paul Outside the Walls and Saint Mary Major.

These doors remain open until the end of the Jubilee, when they are once again walled up.

If you plan to travel to Rome, The Pilgrims’ Center – Info Point is the main reference place for pilgrims and tourists who want to stay updated about the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025.  They are located 7 Via della Conciliazione, right near the Vatican.

The Pilgrims’ Center people can find out the main ways of participating in pilgrimages to the Holy Door and learn about preparatory events for the Jubilee, as well as find out about volunteering.  It is also a distribution point for information leaflets and flyers containing basic information about the Jubilee and the various pilgrim routes round Rome such as the Seven Churches Pilgrimage, the pilgrim route of the Female Doctors of the Church and the Patrons of Europe and the Churches of Europe itinerary. A team of staff will be always available at the Info Point.

You can find out more from the official website of the 2025 Jubilee Year here.

There will be other Holy Doors for the 2025 Jubilee Year in addition to the ones in Rome.

For example, the Holy Door at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year the Holy Door was sealed and blessed on the First Sunday of Advent (Dec. 3, 2023) at noon by Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.   There will undoubtedly be other Holy Doors in churches and shrines throughout the world for those who cannot travel to Rome…we just don’t have all  the locations at this time.


The Jubilee Year 2025 Pilgrims Center in Rome:

As the Jubilee Year approaches the Pilgrims’ Center will increasingly become a welcome point for those arriving in Rome, as well as the hub for organizing bookings and access requests. It will also distribute the ‘testimonium’ ……..a certificate that Saint Peter’s Basilica issues on request, as certification of the pilgrimage to all those who have traveled at least 100 km (62 miles) on foot or 200 km (124 miles) by bicycle to Rome. This journey must be verifiable by the stamps placed on the pilgrim’s credential for pilgrims. Given its position on the Via della Conciliazione (very close to the Vatican, and one of our favorite streets) it will also serve as a reference point for all eventualities for both pilgrims and volunteers.


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Online event: What is Happening to the Christians in Gaza

Program to help Christians in GazaIf you want to know the truth of what is happening to Christians in Gaza, we invite you to join this presentation by Select International Tours on March 14th at 8:00 PM Eastern time. Jeff Cavins and Fr. Leo Patalinghug will host a live online event Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.

If you have traveled with Select International Tours, you may know that in addition to running a pilgrimage company, they also run a charitable foundation called Select to Give, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) charity founded in 2014.

What you may not know is the purpose and the scope of their foundation. You may not know that their primary focus is to help the suffering Christians who live in Bethlehem and Gaza. Select to Give is a large part of their mission, and they are grateful to each of you who has taken the time to learn about the foundation and support their work in the past.

The online event will be hosted by Jeff Cavins and Fr. Leo Patalinghug, with guests including Gus Lloyd, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Fr. David Michael Moses, as well as Christians from the Holy Land who share their personal experience of the current situation in the Holy Land.

You will hear from a Select to Give American volunteer who has chosen to live in Bethlehem during the last six months to help those in need the most. A very special guest will be the Pastor of Holy Family Church, the only Catholic Parish in Gaza. You can hear a first-hand testimonial from someone we can trust who lives in Gaza.

Click here to view the Live Presentation on March 14

The event will hosted on the Apostle website and will begin promptly at 8:00 PM. Please be sure to click the link above  and create a Free Login with your email beforehand.

Donations: If you would like to support this effort, they will be accepting tax-deductible donations via credit card during the event. If you wish to donate by mail, please make your check payable to Select to Give, Inc. and mail it to:

Select to Give, Inc.
c/o Select International Tours
85 Park Ave.
Flemington, NJ 08822

A tax letter confirming your donation will be sent via email within 10 business days of the event.

Please help us promote this exceptional chance to learn from Christians currently residing in the Holy Land. Utilize the image and links above on your social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or via emails and texts. By broadening this campaign’s reach, they can connect with more Christians concerned about the struggles of our brethren in the Holy Land.


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Holy Year 2025

The Vatican office in charge of coordinating plans for the Holy Year 2025 announced they are launching a new website and releasing an app to help people register and to guide them along their pilgrimage in Rome.

By registering online at jubilaeum2025.va or on the jubilee app, people will receive a free digital “pilgrim’s card,” which will be needed to participate in jubilee events, especially gaining access to the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica, said Msgr. Graham Bell, undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization’s section that is coordinating the Holy Year.

The jubilee website was to go live May 10 and be available in nine languages, he said at a news conference at the Vatican May 9.

People can begin registering online starting in September, he said, “by clicking on the ‘participate’ button.” After registering, people will be able to access a personal page on the site’s “pilgrim’s zone,” which will also go live in September.

Registrants will receive a digital “pilgrim’s card,” which is a personal QR code needed to access jubilee events and better facilitate the pilgrimage to the Holy Door, the monsignor said. There also will be an option to purchase a “service card” for a nominal fee to receive special discounts for transportation, lodging, food and museums during the pilgrimage.

The jubilee website and app will give news and information on the Holy Door of St. Peter’s and the other basilicas as well as offer the possibility of organizing one’s own pilgrimage within the city, Msgr. Bell said.

People can choose from three proposed pilgrimages: “the traditional pilgrimage of St. Philip Neri with the seven churches; the pilgrimage on the churches dedicated to the women doctors of the church and patrons of Europe; and the ‘Iter Europaeum,’ that is, the 28 churches in 27 different European countries, plus the church that represents the European Union.”

Holy Year 2025 logo
This is the logo chosen by the Vatican for the Holy Year 2025. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)


“Tools are being prepared to better introduce pilgrims into these paths and to promote knowledge of the works of art in the various churches,” he said. It marks “an important effort carried out in agreement with the (Italian) Ministry of Tourism, which will encourage the discovery of many places often unknown to tourists themselves.”

“Rome has always been a cultural attraction and our aim is that the pilgrim may also become a tourist, just as the tourist may be fascinated by the pilgrim experience,” said Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the section.

Starting in September, he said, they will open an exhibition “with works by the great Spanish Renaissance artist, El Greco.”

The pieces “have never left Spain and are being made available for this very occasion,” he said. The exhibit will be held in the church of Sant’Agnese in Agone facing onto Piazza Navona and will feature El Greco’s three masterpieces: “The Baptism of Christ,” “Christ Carrying the Cross” and “Christ Blessing.”

Other art exhibits will take place throughout the run-up to and during the jubilee, including ones that will rotate into places like hospitals and prisons, he said. “We want as much as possible for these events to have free access, in order to encourage the participation of citizens in the contemplation of beauty that allows a better relationship with the city and its people.”

Archbishop Fisichella said Pope Francis has asked Catholics worldwide to prepare for the next jubilee year by spending 2023 studying the documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially its four constitutions, which focused on: the liturgy; the church as the people of God; Scripture; and the role of the church in the modern world.

“In order to help local churches in their catechetical, human and especially Christian formation paths, and to give younger people the opportunity to know and rediscover the central contents of the council,” he said, the dicastery published a series of 35 small volumes titled, “Council Notebooks,” in December.

The “notebooks” have already been translated into Spanish in one hardcover volume titled, “Cuadernos del Concilio,” he said, and they are now being translated into English by ATC Publishers-India.

Since the pope wants 2024 to be dedicated to prayer in preparation for the jubilee, the dicastery will publish an in-depth series called “Notes on Prayer” to promote “the centrality of prayer, personal and communal,” the archbishop said.

“We are studying the possibility of a ‘school of prayer’ with pathways that would cover the vast world of prayer,” he added.

The opening and closing dates of the jubilee year will be announced in the pope’s “Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee, which will be published according to tradition on the feast of the Ascension, May 9, 2024,” Archbishop Fisichella said.

The ordinary jubilee will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in December 2024, he said, and there will be “major jubilee events” throughout 2025. For example, Jan. 24, 2025, will be dedicated to the World of Communications, May 30-June 1, 2025, will be dedicated to families, and July 28-Aug. 3, 2025, will be dedicated to young people.

The archbishop also announced that Italian composer Francesco Meneghello was the winner of the competition for an original score for the official hymn for the Holy Year 2025 that highlights its theme, “Pilgrims of Hope.” The lyrics were written by Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, an Italian theologian, composer and musician.

The city of Rome has estimated more than 30 million people will come to Rome for the jubilee year.

At least 87 public works projects are set to begin at an initial cost of 1.8 billion euro. Projects include revamping key areas, increasing accessibility and transport, and improving reception services and infrastructure.

Contact information  info@iubilaeum2025.va


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Relic of Carlo Acutis available for veneration in Washington, DC

The International Week of Prayer and Fasting, in collaboration with the Legion of Mary, runs from October 20-28, 2023.

The International Week of Prayer and Fasting campaign is a grassroots movement of Catholics and other Christians from around the world participating in a global network of prayer and fasting.

Most of the presentations are virtual. This entire event will be available FREE via livestream on the day of the events. An all-access pass will be available for a donation, which will allow unlimited access for a year following the events.

The Week culminates on Saturday, October 28th, featuring speakers Fr. Timothy E. Byerley, Ray Grijalba, Dr. Carlos Parellada, Sister Deirdre Byrne, and Ted Flynn.

In addition to all-day Adoration, there will be the opportunity for veneration of a relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis,

At noon, October 28, Mass will be held in The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. and celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Robert J. Baker, STD.

This event also includes a procession of the nations, a global living Rosary recited by people representing Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The participants will be wearing traditional dress from their countries of origin. There will also be the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the opportunity for confession.

To register online and to receive more information, visit their website at www.IWOPF.org or call +1 888-478-PRAY.

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Arm of Saint Jude to be on display in U.S.A. Sep 9-Nov 6

Saint Jude Thaddeus: The Gospel tells us that St. Jude was a brother of St. James the Less, also one of the Apostles. They are described in the Gospel of Matthew as the “brethren” of Jesus, probably cousins. St. Jude is sometimes confused with Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, St. Jude traveled throughout Mesopotamia, Libya, and Persia with Saint Simon…… preaching and building up the foundations of the early Church. St. Jude died a martyr’s death for his unwavering faith.

After his martyrdom, the body of St. Jude was buried temporarily in Mesopotamia and then taken to Rome where he was interred in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with the other Apostles. His forearm was incasesd in a silver reliquary for many centuries was located in Armenia. At the beginning of the 18th century, Armenian Dominican Missionaries left Armenia because of the Moslem persecution and brought the relic to Smyrna, Turkey. After another round of persecutions, the relic was given to the Dominicans in Turin, Italy.

Relic of the arm of St Jude in Dominican shrine of st jude in Chicago
Relic of the arm of Saint Jude


In 1949, the Dominican Province of St. Peter Martyr in Turin presented the relic to the Dominican Shrine of Saint Jude in Chicago, Illinois on the 20th anniversary of their Shrine’s dedication to St. Jude, where it is on permanent display.  It is reportedly the largest relic of an Apostle located outside of Europe.

Here is an interesting article from Chicago Catholic newspaper about the custodian of the relic.  The picture on our site is from that article.  Photo credit: Karen Callaway, Archdiocese of Chicago.


From time to time the relic is taken on tour for special events like Solemn Novenas, healing, and prayer services across the United States.

Such is the case in 2023, when the arm will be available for veneration in the U.S.A. from September 9 through November 6 in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, and possibly more to be added.  You can find the tour schedule here.

Note: there are two shrines to Saint Jude in Chicago…the other one is the National Shrine of Saint Jude.

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Looking for beautiful churches in the U.S.A.?

Those of us growing up in the 1950’s and early 1960’s in the U.S. (I know, there are fewer of us each day) remember going to Mass in churches that looked like….well, churches.  Most had statutes of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and various saints.  There were usually stained glass windows depicting various scenes from the Bible. Marble altars, altar rails and other features told you that you had entered somewhere special….and even sacred!  And the sanctuary lamp, always burning over the tabernacle, which was in plain sight, reinforced this feeling.

Then, in the wake of Vatican II (and we are not knocking all of Vatican II…just some of the excesses), we found many members of the building committees wanting to throw out everything that made Catholic churches unique, despite the fact that Vatican II had nothing to say on the subject of church construction.

It was an effort to “keep up with the times“…..and yet, the Church is timeless.  It dies when it tries to keep up with the times….as many protestant denominations are beginning to find out.

So, beauty was cast aside and we ended up with some churches resembling bomb shelters or gymnasiums. Those purposely bland structures certainly did not inspire anyone. You couldn’t show the beautiful stained glass windows to your children to enhance their biblical knowledge…because in many cases the windows were gone!

We know of priests, when designing a new church, had to fight with their Diocese and, often, compromises were made just to get these churches built.  For example, the best the priest might hope for is that the Tabernacle would be placed in an Adoration Chapel…somewhat visible from the main sanctuary, but not necessarily near the altar.  But that is the best outcome..in some churches the tabernacle was practically in the broom closet.  And then people wonder why belief in the Eucharist has fallen amongst Catholics!

We know, the Mass remains sacred regardless where it is said, but there is something about a church designed with beauty in mind that adds a sense of reverence, wonder, and dignity.

There is a hunger for beauty in our world, and that certainly extends to our churches as well.  We are beginning to see a rejection of the modernist trend that led to these buildings and many churches (those being built, and those being re-modeled) are beginning to look like those beautiful churches of the past.

One example of that trend is shown below: the “before” and “after” of the re-design of Saint Dominic Church in Brick, New Jersey.

And “before” was mild compared to some of the other churches we have seen.  Let’s face it, the words “Timeless Beauty” will never be used to describe these utilitarian buildings.


And, one the newest shrines in the U.S., the Shrine of Blessed Stanley Rother in Oklahoma, has chosen the classical look in their chapel.



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5 New Episodes of “My Lourdes Faith Journey” Starting July 10

From Monday, July 10 to Friday, July 14, 5 new episodes of My Lourdes Faith Journey will premiere on EWTN at 5:30 PM EST with encore daily at 2:30 AM EST.

This special series is produced, directed and filmed by Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers and graciously aired by EWTN.

Watch on your local EWTN cable network or tune in online live at www.ewtn.com/tv/watch-live.

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Faithful Catholic families….do we fight or flee?

As we look at the culture around us, we see what would seem to be a steady downhill slide…. some governments and businesses pushing the LGBTQ agenda; abortion as a “right”; gender identity (apparently there are up to six genders!); politicians who openly sow racial discord; sports leagues that have gone “woke” and so many other things in opposition to what we, as Catholics, hold dear.

Much of what follows is directed toward U.S. residents, but in general it also applies to Canada and a host of other countries as well.

Abortion in a Post-Roe World:

Here in the U.S., some states have banned abortion completely;  some after a certain number of weeks; but other states have offered to become “abortion sanctuaries” for those who cannot procure a legal abortion in their own state.

The U.S. military will grant up to three weeks of administrative leave and reimburse service members who travel to other states where abortions are legal.

So, although Roe vs Wade has been over-turned, it is only one battle in the war against abortion.  It merely sent the abortion issue back to the states.


The Transgender Movement:

As Catholic Christians, we believe as the Book of Genesis states: “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”.

Drag Queen Story Hours in Public Schools
(Photo: Twitter/@RealOmarNavarro)

Not content with being left alone (that’s what they used to say) the proponents of the transgender movement now want to become mainstream…..and force you to accept their beliefs.  And yet, we are said to be the intolerant ones!

Some public schools and libraries proudly host “drag queen story hours” for children….and parents pat themselves on the back for being so open-minded.

Believe it or not, the people hosting these events are not open-minded…they are after your children!

TV cartoons feature gay characters; game shows seem to almost require at least one participant to be gay or trans-sexual; everything is in your face, and it is put out there as normal.

Likewise, we see free speech (not liberal speech, of course…just conservative speech) being limited on college campuses.

“Separation of Church and State”

Try to bring religion in to the public square and people will shout “separation of church and state” without having the slightest idea what that means.  The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. constitution does not say that, it merely states that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech

But, of course, that does not stop those who are determined to push God out of everything.  Many news anchors ignore (or are ignorant of) the First Amendment and prattle on about “threats to our democracy” with absolutely no idea of what they are talking about….but they all got the same memo, so they keep repeating the phrase.

 Did you ever think you would be talking about lack of religious tolerance in your own country?

Of course tolerance of other religions is highly encouraged, it is only Christianity that is held up as a threat. In fact, the Southern Poverty Law Center (which, ironically, once championed civil rights) has said “right-wing extremism exploits Christianity and the Bible to radicalize and mobilize its violent adherents toward criminality and terrorism“.  So, if you speak out against abortion, or gay rights, or a host of other Christian principles, you are a terrorist.

Christians are sometimes called “transphobic” or “homophobic” which of course is not the case.  To be phobic is to be fearful…we do not fear transvestites or homosexuals, we merely deem their actions to be contrary to Christian beliefs.  But that doesn’ fit their narrative.

So what do families do? Well, some choose to stay and fight against these attacks on religious freedom, while others choose to flee to other locales that seem a bit more Christian family-friendly. Faced with the hostile environment in some cities or states, many families have decided to put that behind them and move to locations where they feel they can better raise their families in the Catholic Christian tradition.

Families are moving to places where there are strong orthodox Catholic religious communities nearby, such as the Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady of Clear Creek in Hulbert, Oklahoma; the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA; Little Portion Hermitage, in Berry, ARSubiaco Abbey in Subiaco, Arkansas and others.  Then, there is the growing Catholic Land Movement…a loose connection of those wishing to practice a simpler way of life.

And there are entire Catholic communities being formed, such as Veritatis Splendor in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Here is a great article written by Johnathan Liedl for the National Catholic Register that tells the stories of some of those who have pulled up stakes and moved to more family friendly communities where their faith can be nurtured rather than attacked.

Of  course not everyone wants to re-locate nor are they in a position to do so. In the case of re-location, there are jobs to consider (fortunately work-from-home has helped make this easier for some), elderly parents nearby, etc.  Some are not in a position to move to a more Catholic-friendly area and others prefer “fight the good fight” where they are, perhaps by home-schooling their children through an online program such as Tan Academy; being active in the pro-life community; or a host of other opportunities.

Others have chosen to seek out a more traditional, and rural life.  One example would be The Catholic Land Movement.

Regardless, whatever the situation, we must fight back….“it can’t happen here” has been said by many over the course of history….and then it happened “here”.  Most recently in Rwanda, Bosnia, and currently in Nigeria, among other countries where Christians are attacked.

It calls to mind “First They Came – by Pastor Martin Niemöller“.

The old saying “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing”.

Unfortunately, the way many Catholics have given in to the Covid hysteria and given up rights we thought were inalienable, concerns us.  We’re not there yet, and at The Catholic Travel Guide we remain optimistic as we see people start to realize that we are in a war with certain elements of the society around us.

Have a story to tell?  Please contact us and let us know.

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LGBTQ IN YOUR FACE in San Antonio, Texas

Never-ending LGBTQ Propaganda aimed at YOU!

Most of us are getting sick of the controveries over the push to make LGBTQ+ a normal lifestyle.  Budweiser Bud Light and Target are only two high-profile promoters of the LGBTQ lifestyle; but there are hundreds more.  If you are a Catholic Christian working for a major corporation, there is a good chance there will be someone responsible for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)….to very admirable sounding terms until you realize what they mean to those in power.  Often times it means you need to promote others based on race or sexual preference rather than ability. And to push the envelope further, you must celebrate lifestyles that directly in opposition to Church teaching.

It  all began with “we just want to be left alone” then “we just want to be able to get married” then “you will endorse our life style“.  Fight back, and they will do everything in their power (with most of the media on their side) to crush you.  Get you fired from your job, put you out of business, ruin your life.  And make no mistake, they are after your children and grand-children.  Accepting pedophilia is on the horizon….just check back with us in a decade or so.  Don’t want to bend to their will?  They will get you fired or put you out of business.

Well-meaning people say “we have to be compassionate”.  This is not to say that there are not good people in some of these communities, but encouraging in their sinful behavior is not compassionate…it is enabling.

Founded by Catholics in the 1500, this event is a far cry from what those early missionaries could have imagined.
What harm could it do to watch?  Well, you are encouraging a lifestyle that is ultimately a dead end.  God created male and female for procreation….not going to happen between to people of the same sex…unless they start creating babies in a test tube, which still violates God’s law.

Then you have the push (and we do mean push)  to convince young people in their teens and even younger to “choose their sex” would have been laughed at only a few years ago….but suddenly it is all over the place.

There will be families here celebrating “diversity” or “exclusion” and bringing their kids along.  How sad it will be (as a friend of ours discovered) when their daughter comes to visit and announces that she is about to get married to another woman! Well….where do she get the idea in the first place?

We are sad to see one of our favorite cities, San Antonio, Texas hosting a pride parade.

On June 24, 2023 there will be families here celebrating “diversity” or “exclusion” and bringing their kids along.  It seems harmless enough…just watching a parade…..but those kids are watching, and getting the idea that this is all normal.  How sad it will be if, as a friend of ours recently discovered, their daughter comes to visit and announces that she has fallen in love and is about to get married to another woman! Well….where do think she got the idea in the first place?

And, as if the parade is not enough, there is the Bud Light Pride River Parade & Celebration.  Gee, have they not learned their lesson?

We have known a few homosexuals who really born that way, but many have chosen to bear this cross.  And even among those who have not, it is only a small militant minority who push this on everyone.  But they are a strong minority, and have infiltrated our governments and our businesses.

We don’t know how many Catholic Christians will attend this event…..sad to say, we think there will be many.  “What harm can it do?” is the popular expresssion.  “After all, we want to be ‘inclusive’..’non-judgmental’..’welcoming’ “.  And we certainly don’t want to be accused of being “homophobic” or “transphobic”.

Still, if you visit San Antonio, there are some great Catholic sites to see in San Antonio (named after Saint Anthony and founded in 1718). It is a great place to visit..perhaps not so much on