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Tom & Sue Personal Pilgrimage: Thursday June 2 (Day 7) Mount Tabor & Jerusalem


Boker tov:
I made everyone a large pepper ham and cheese omelette, hoping that would get us thru the day until we got to Jerusalem. Our first destination was Mount Tabor, the place of the transfiguration.  We planned to stop at Ein Karem the home of St. John, the Baptist and  the site of the Visitation, if time permitted, but after we got lost because of road construction we were almost an hour off schedule.

There is a reason for everything……..as we approached the mountain entrance to the shrine, we stopped for coffee and to stretch our legs.  The place was filled with tour busses that had just come off the mountain.  It was divine intervention for sure because when you see the first few  photos you willwonder, as we did, how we could have gotten buy a bus as it came down and we went up.

These roads are narrow, glad we did not meet any buses
These roads are narrow, glad we did not meet any buses

Johna was more scared than Susan but she wouldn’t admit  it.  I kepthearing sighs and other noises from the back seat.  Sam may have chimed in once or twice too.  Susan was just white knuckled as we  ascended. I was in my glory at each S-turn, until we got behind Grandma Moses, going 5 MPH and stopping at each turn, no one else seemed to  mind.

Driving up to the Church of the Transfiguration atop Mount Tabor
Driving up to the Church of the Transfiguration atop Mount Tabor

The Church of the Transfiguration at Mount Tabor is beautiful, and Mass was going on at one of the outside chapels, as well as in the church.  It was too late to ask thegroup if we  could join so we quietly prayed for a while and did the tourist thing, albeit quietly.

The views from here were spectacular, if you had something to look at. The countryside is a lot different from Europe, although very hilly. We spent a little more time in this truly holy place and  made our way back down the mountain and to Jerusalem.  About 2 hours away depending on traffic, which didn’t get heavy until the city.  You really don’t want to drive here unless you can be reckless and  ruthless…….and I thought I was a nice guy!
We arrived at our apartment and I parked just like an Israeli………blocking one lane on a 2-lane street, so we could unload the luggage and get it in.  Susan guarded the car and programmed the  GPS so we could get the car returned and the three of us did the rest.  Ten minutes later, Sam and I were off for the return.  We got right there, but after they checked us out, they told us we had take the car to the parking  garage. I never heard of anything like that and I almost left the car, but being  that nice person (again) we took it back the way we came and dropped it  off.

Our cab driver gave us a great place to go for dinner
Our cab driver gave us a great place to go for dinner

The girls were almost settled when we got back and we relaxed for a bit before going to this great restaurant that our cab driver suggested.   We had a wonderful dinner, but then we had to  walk back up the steep hill to our apartment.  UGH!

Making plans for tomorrow
Making plans for tomorrow

I finalized arrangements for the driver and guide we hired for Friday to take us to Bethlehem. Looking forward to the day coming  we went to bed and slept gloriously.

Layla tov;
God bless all of you
Susan, Tom and the Kids

Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
full of goodness,
show your love towards us.
Let the flame of your heart,
O Mary, descend on all people.
We love you immensely.
Impress true love in our  hearts
so that we have a  continuous desire for you.
O  Mary, gentle and humble of heart, remember us when we are in sin.
You know that all men sin.
Give us, by means of your  Immaculate Heart, spiritual health.
Let us always see the goodness of  your motherly heart
and may we  be converted by means of the flame of your heart.


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