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Tom & Sue in Paray-Le-Monial (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

Bon Jour:
Today is going to be one of our favorites….a visit to Paray-Le-Monial and the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

I had a glorious shower in the morning and coffee was ready when we ventured out of our bedroom.  And breakfast was on the table thanks to our hostess.  We were offered eggs but we weren’t that hungry.  We did, however, nosh on their homemade breads, cheeses, jams and juices.  We returned to our room and packed up and left before the other B&B guests arrived for breakfast because we wanted to take the drive and arrive in Paray-le-Monial before their scheduled 11:15 A.M. Mass which we had planned to attend.

The ride through the French countryside was beautiful once again.  We did hit some heavy traffic in a couple of spots along the way … so we missed the 11:15 Mass at Paray Le Monial…..unfortunately!  We are yearning for our Daily Masses.

At Paray-le-Monial, we followed the “tourist arrows and parked in the tourist parking lot which was about 1 mile from where we thought we parked many years ago.  So, we decided to be “pilgrims” and “rough it”.  I decided to try to get a closer parking space and couldn’t because there was road construction.  About half way as we walked to the Shrine, a huge mass of storm clouds started rolling in … and it was very, very cold and windy!  We realized we had forgotten our umbrellas which probably would have been useless anyway … so I told Susan that we should head back to the car to get out of the apparent bad weather and find a better parking place.


I remembered that we had parked much closer to the Shrine when we were here 7 years ago.  Determined, I headed out and we made our way (with GPS), through the streets and found a parking lot that was much closer.  Actually, it was about 200 feet from the Chapel of the Apparitions!  We had a little time to spare because everything is closed from Noon until 2:00 P.M. and it was only 12:30 P.M.

Our plan was, at that time, to visit the Gardens, the Main Basilica … and to spend time, once again, in the Adoration Chapel where we prayed our Rosary for your Special Intentions for those in need … We were alone there, except for one women who was intent in the front pew before we got there and still there when we left after Praying.  Some tour groups came through quickly and, unfortunately, a quick trip in to Adoration, speaking and out the door.  We think it makes Jesus very sad.

We made it back to the Chapel of the Apparitions at about 5 minutes until 2:00 P.M. and found the doors to be unlocked. We sat and Prayed in the Chapelle for the Special Intentions which we carry with us … especially and in particularly for Susan’s brother, John, who is very ill … and for Wilton’s long list of Special Intentions that he gave to us before we departed Florida.

Chapel of the Apparitions, Paray-le-Monial
Entrance to the Chapel of the Apparitions

There was not an Intention Book to write in in the Chapel of Apparitions, but there was an Intention Basket in front of the Incorrupt Body of St. Margaret Mary that you can place your Intentions in.  So we went back to our car and Susan took one of her several copies of Wilton’s Intention Lists and added other names specific to this Shrine and the need for Prayers.  The “list” was 4 pages!  We did this first and foremost for Susan’s oldest brother, John, who is and has been suffering from many issues and is facing lifetime issues.  This day is his Birthday and Susan wanted to offer her day for her oldest brother.

For Wilton, we did this because we couldn’t think of a better place than at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Shrine which he has tremendous devotion to and promotes unselfishly, humbly and continually.  The Poor Clares who accept Petitions and Pray for them looked at me with a weary eye as we dropped 4 pages in the Intention Basket in front of Saint Margaret Mary’s Incorrupt Body.  We can’t attach this “story” tonight, because the hotel we are in this evening will not give us access to our normal AOL Account where we store everything (Internet problems in Europe thus far).

We left Paray-le-Monial and headed to our next Bed & Breakfast just outside of town.  We stopped, first, for our supplies and “meatless” dinner because we don’t eat meat on Wednesdays or Saturdays because of our additional dedication to our Brown Scapular Devotion.  So, we knew that we could not have arranged dinner at our B&B.  They did, however, have some chickens roaming around the farm that I thought would make a tasty meal tomorrow (LOL).

The accommodations were fantastic.  I thought we had a first floor this time … ended up climbing a set of stairs to our room … oh well!  We had our “Meager Meal” which was actually really good (including the grilled sardines in a can).  And Susan managed to get out our Trip Report from the day before while I jumped in to bed around 7:30 P.M. … unfortunately, I think I have caught a cold.  I fell asleep in about 5 minutes.  It was sleeping peacefully until Susan kept waking me up because she couldn’t hear me breathing and wanted to make sure I was alive!

As you can tell, we have had to write this to you the day after.  I slept for 12 hours straight and feel I needed it.  I don’t know what time Susan came to her “Bernadette Bed”, but she needed that “girl time”.  I can’t imagine it was much later than me with the schedule we have been running.

So here you have it.  Yesterday’s report today (on our time).  We will catch up when we can.  That’s it for now so that we can get this out to you.

Au Revoire and Love and Prayers … May the Sacred Heart of Jesus shine His love and mercy upon all of you and keep you safe.

Click here too learn more about Margaret Mary Alacoque and Paray-le-Monial