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Blessed Carlo Acutis one step closer to Sainthood

In a decree released on May 22, 2024, Pope Francis announced he will convene a Consistory of Cardinals to deliberate the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis as a result of a miracle recognized on that date.

Pope Francis beatified the millenial in 2020 in Assisi, where Blessed Carlo had made multiple pilgrimages and where his mortal remains rest.

Beatification, when someone is declared “Blessed”, usually requires that the Vatican confirm that a miracle took place as the result of that person interceding with God. To be clear, God performs the miracle, not the intercessor.  Two miracles are required before a “Blessed” can be declared a saint

First Miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis:

In 2020, the Vatican recognized Acutis’ first miracle: the curing of a 4-year-old Brazilian boy named Mattheus in 2013. The boy was healed from a serious birth defect called an annular pancreas after he and his mother asked Acutis to intercede asking the Lord to grant a miracle of healing

Second Miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis:

The miracle recognized on May 22, 2024 is related to a woman from Costa Rica.

On July 8, 2022,  a woman named Liliana prayed at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis in Assisi asking his intercession for her daughter, Varleria.  Valeria was attending university in Florence, and had fallen from her bicycle,  suffering severe head trauma.  She was going to require craniotomy surgery, and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival.

Liliana left a letter at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis describing her plea.  That same day, the hospital informed her that Valeria had begun to breath spontaneously. The next day, she began to move and partially regain her speech.

On July 18, a CAT scan proved that her hemorrhaging had disappeared, and on August 11 Valeria was moved to rehabilitation therapy. She made quick progress, and on September 2 Valeria and Liliana made another pilgrimage to Assisi to thank Blessed Carlo for his intercession.

In the decree released on May 23, 2024, Pope Francis announced he will convene a Consistory of Cardinals to deliberate the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis.

We look forward to the future Canonization of what many call a “Saint of the New Millenium”

Source: Vatican News Service