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Still River, Massachusetts: Saint Benedict Abbey

About Saint Benedict Abbey in Still River, Massachusetts:

The origins of Saint Benedict Abbey go back to 1941 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where two laymen and one laywoman established a Catholic student center to help local students live their Faith. Dedicating themselves totally to the service of God, their founders formed a religious community under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Fr. Feeney as superior. In 1958, they re-located to Still River, where they adopted a monastic lifestyle patterned on the Rule of Saint Benedict, their Patron. In 1993, they became an autonomous Benedictine Abbey with Abbot Gabriel Gibbs, O.S.B. serving as their first abbot. Their enduring vision is to win every heart for Christ through Mary.

Saint Benedict remarks in his Rule for Monks that “Guests are never lacking in a monastery.” Hospitality has been a long-standing tradition here at Saint Benedict’s—even back to it days in Cambridge, Massachusetts when they hosted spaghetti dinners for hungry college students.

Seven times each weekday, and four times each Sunday, then monks gather in chapel for common prayer. All Masses and Prayer are open to guests.  You can find their prayer schedule here.  If you can’t  visit them, they live-stream their daily Mass!

They do not give “directed” retreats, but rather they invite their guests to participate in their own monastic schedule to whatever extent they desire.

Their Father-Son Weekend retreats are an opportunity for boys 14-18, along with their fathers or guardians, to join the monks for a few days of living a monastic life.

The Guest House is available all year to individuals, families and groups.

Traveling to Saint Benedict Abbey in Still River, Massachusetts:

The Abbey is located about 30 miles northwest of Boston.

Address:  252 Still River Rd, Still River, MA 01467

Tel:   +1 (978) 456-3221

email:  vocation@abbey.org


Click here for the official website of Saint Benedict Abbey in Still River, Massachusetts.

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