Home » Destinations. » U.S.A. » Clyde, Missouri: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Monastery

Clyde, Missouri: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Monastery

History of the Monastery in Clyde:


In 1874, Mother Mary Anselma Felber, along with a group of religious sisters from Engelberg, Switzerland traveled here to help minister to the German immigrant population.  It was Mother Mary Anselma’s desire to establish in America a convent of Perpetual Adoration in the context of monastic life.

It was not long before the Sisters opened an academy and ran an orphanage. Gradually they built up a farm which provided their meat, milk, and eggs; and at its peak, Clyde Hill Farms boasted of a prize-winning dairy herd as well. Over time the sisters’ work also included the making of liturgical vestments, producing altar breads, operating a printery, and establishing a correspondence department.

Through these works the sisters served the spiritual and practical needs of God’s people. After the 1st World War their community raised funds to assist devastated monasteries and convents in Europe. As tokens of gratitude religious houses sent relics of the saints and other precious items that had survived the war. Their collection of these 550 documented relics, as well as artifacts of their own history, are displayed in their Heritage Room/Relic Chapel.

Traveling to the Benedictine Monastery in Clyde:

Address: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, 31970 State Hwy P, Clyde, MO 64432-8100

Tel: +1 660-944-2221

email addresses:

altar breadsaltarbreads@benedictinesisters.org

soap:  soap@bspa.us

guests:  clydeguests@benedictinesisters.org

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