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Catholic Churches in Tanzania


About Tanzania:

Mikumi National Park in Tanzania
Mikumi National Park

Located on the East coast of the African continent, Tanzania has one of the more stable political systems in this part of the world. Official statistics are unavailable, but it is felt that the country is divided up into about 30% Christian, 30% Muslim and the rest are either native African religions or some offshoot.

The Catholic Church in Tanzania:

The former capital of Dar es Salaam remains the country’s most important center for business. It is here that you will find Saint Joseph Cathedral.

Saint Joseph Cathedral dar es Salam Tanzania
Saint Joseph Cathedral dar es Salam

There are two English-language Masses on Sundays. Daily Mass is not in English, except for a Wednesday evening Mass in English. But as we have said many times before, the Mass is the Mass, regardless of the language. And, it is always interesting to see how people in other countries worship.

Traveling to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania & St. Joseph Cathedral:

Address: Sokoine Dr, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GPS coordinates: 6° 49′ 9.8796” S, 39° 17′ 17.1816” E

Tel: +255   717   059911

Click here for the official website of Saint Joseph Cathedral.

Photos courtesy Tom Price, Catholic Relief Services

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