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Seoul, South Korea: Jeoldusan Korean Martyrs Museum


The persecution of Catholics in Korea:

Jeoldusan means “mountain of decapitation”. Some 10,000 Catholics were beheaded here during the intense persecutions of the 19th Century and their bodies dumped in the river. It is also known as Martyr’s Mountain.

About the Jeoldusan Korean Martyrs Museum:

Today a Museum stands here that contains many items from that sad period in history. There are books, ceramic pieces, paintings and sculptures on display.

An image of the Virgin Mary, a figure of Dae-geon Kim (known as St. Andrew Kim, the first native-born priest in Korea) and other statues are also displayed on these grounds.

There is a church built on this site where remains of 28 saints are entombed.

Click here for the official website of the Jeoldusan Martyrs Shrine in Seoul, South Korea.

Photo courtesy Korean Martyr’s Shrine.

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