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Catholic shrines & places of interest in Warsaw


About Warsaw:

As capitol of Poland, Warsaw is the center of the country.  It has weathered many conquests, none more brutal than Nazi Germany and later by the Communist Soviet Union, to emerge as one of the most visited cities in Europe.

As you gaze at some of the old buildings near the main square, you may be surprised to learn that what you see are actually seeing fairly modern construction:  the bulk of the buildings were destroyed during World War II and therefore have been re-built to the original designs.

An interesting note:  every January 27 (Holocaust Remembrance Day), an empty vintage tram…with the Star of David on top…runs along the Warsaw Ghetto, reminding us of the fate of over 400,000 Jews who were moved by the Germans to a specially created ghetto in Warsaw during World War II.  Less than 100,000 survived.

Beautiful tradition in Warsaw: On January 27th, this old tram covers a route around the ww II ghetto, not taking any passengers to remind of those lost. from r/europe

Among the Catholic shrines & places of interest in Warsaw are:

Grave of Irena Sendler:  Rescued thousands of Jews during World War II.

Shrine of Blessed Jerzy Popeliusko

The Temple of Divine Providence

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