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Catholic Shrines & Places of Interest in Krakow, Poland


About Krakow:

Without doubt, one of the most picturesque cities in Europe. It was mercifully spared from the damage inflicted upon other cities in World War II (Warsaw, for example, was almost completely destroyed) and so much of what you see is original buildings from before the war. It was known for its large and vibrant Jewish community, that was unfortunately decimated by the Nazis, so that now only a few remain.

Of course it would be impossible to talk about Krakow without mentioning Pope John Paul II, who was Archbishop of Krakow before he became Pope. His historic visit here in 1981 helped to ignite the fires of freedom that eventually saw the fall of Communism.

Here are some of the major places of interest in Krakow:

Basilica of Saint Florian

Basilica of the Virgin Mary (Kościół Mariacki….Church of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven)

Church of St John the Baptist & St John the Evangelist (founding of the Mercedarian Order)

Have No Fear John Paul II Centre

Saint Stansilaw Kostka Church (beautiful windows depicting the life of Pope John Paul II)

Shrine of Divine Mercy

Wawel Castle & The Royal Cathedral of St. Stanislaus & St. Wenceslaus

Wieliczka Salt Mine


Check out these Catholic Danube River cruises that offer an extension to KrakowMention code CTguide and get a $100 discount.

Looking for an English-language Mass? You can find one on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at Kosciol Sw. Idziego little church, 67 Grodzka street (at the foot of the Wawel Royal Castle).

Krakow has an international airport as well as train connections from many cities in Poland and throughout Europe.   Get train & bus schedules, see fares & buy tickets here.

Click here to find restaurants and hotels in Krakow, compare prices, and read what other travelers have to say at TripAdvisor

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