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Lima, Peru: Convent of Santo Domingo, Shrine of Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Martin de Porres


The Story of Saint Rose of Lima:

St Rose of Lima Prayer
St Rose of Lima Prayer

Tomb of Saint Rose of LImaBorn in 1586, she was, by all accounts, a natural beauty despite years of hard labor working to support her family in her youth. However in an effort to avoid vanity she was known to rub pepper on her face, lime on her hands and otherwise mortify herself.

Rose of Lima was Canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement and was declared patroness of South America and the Philippines. She is greatly honored in both those countries as well as throughout the world. Many miracles have been credited to her intercession.

Her Feast Day on August 23 is celebrated with great ceremony here and at the many churches named after her throughout the world.

The story of Saint Martin de Porres:

Born in Lima in 1579, St. Martin de Porres and joined the Dominican Order as a Brother at the age of 15. Although he expressed a desire to be a missionary and thereby be martyred, he ended up spending his whole life here in Lima and was a contemporary of Saint Rose. He spent his life caring for the poor and the sick.

Numerous reports of him levitating, bi-locating, miraculous knowledge, and instantaneous cures made him popular not only in his time but throughout history. Although beatified in 1837 by Pope Gregory XVI he was not canonized until 1962 by Pope John XXIII. Being of mixed-race himself, he is the patron saint of mixed-race people and all those seeking interracial harmony.

His tomb is located within a chapel in the convent’s second cloister.

Here is a great video about Martin de Porres from “Fish on Fridays”.

His Feast Day is celebrated November 3.

There is also a Shrine of St. Vincent de Porres in Memphis, Tennessee.

About The Convent of Santo Domingo de Lima:

Also known as the Convent of the Holy Rosary, dates from the middle of the 15th Century and is one of the first churches built in the Americas. It was the headquarters of the Dominicans in Peru and is itself beautiful.

In addition to the magnificent architecture, these two famous saints are buried here. Also, the catacombs are interesting from a historical viewpoint but probably not for everyone.

Open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Some non-religious groups include this in their tours, but do not emphasize the religious history so you may want to do a bit of research if you happen to be on one of these tours.

Finding the Convent of Santo Domingo in Lima:

Address: 15001, Palacio de Osambela, Jirón Conde de Superunda 298, Lima Lima 1, Peru

Tel:  +51 1 4276793

GPS coordinates: 12° 2′ 37.7772” S, 77° 1′ 57.3420” W

Click here for the official website for the Convent.

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