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Basilica della Madonna del Tindari (Tindari, Sicily)


History of the Basilica della Madonna del Tindari:


According to local tradition, in the ninth century fishermen discovered a crate in the sea, which, upon opening it, they discovered contained a statue of the Madonna with the child Jesus. They immediately set up her statue in the ruins of an abandoned temple of Ceres. A sanctuary was built atop the ruins by the Benedictines in the 11th century. This was expanded in the 16th century.

The shrine dedicated to the black Madonna of Tindari became an important place of pilgrimage in northern Sicily and remains so today. Many parents will name their children Tindaro or Tindara in her honor.

In 1953, the existing shrine became unable to accommodate pilgrims.  The construction of the new Sanctuary of the Madonna of Tindari was the main program of the episcopate of Bishop Joseph Pullano (1953-1977).  On December 8, 1957 the first stone was laid, coming from the greek-Roman antiquities, already blessed by Pope Pius XII December 30, 1956.  Pope Pius XII stated that it was a sign of “the triumph of Christian civilization on the ruins of the faded pagan civilization.”  An image of the Madonna and Christ in mosaic is set at the top of the facade. An inscription on the arch above the stained-glass window reads in Italian: “Tutto è poco per te, o Madre” — “everything is too little for you, o Mother.”

In 2018 the church was elevated to the status of Minor Basilica by Pope Francis.

Finding the Basilica dell Madonna in Tindari:

Address:  Via Mons. Pullano, 12, 98060, Tindari, Sicilia

Tel (Sanctuary):     +39 0941-369003       Tel (Secretariat):      +39 0941-369260

email:  santuariotindari@santuariotindari.it

Click here for the official website of the Basilica della Madonna del Tindari.

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