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Milan, Italy: Basilica of Saint Ambrose (Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio)


About Saint Ambrose:

Aurelius Ambrosius was his actual name. He lived from 340-397 and was Archbishop of Milan. As such he fought the heretical teachings of Arianism.

He is one of the four original Doctors of the Church (the others being Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory the Great).

He is patron saint of Milan. He is notable for his influence on St. Augustine. His body, along with those of his sister and brother, Saints Gervase and Protase are on display in the Basilica. They are remarkably well-preserved considering their age.

Nicknamed the “Honey-Tongued Doctor” due to his speaking ability, St. Ambrose is the patron saint not only of Milan but also bee keepers, bees, candlemakers, domestic animals, learning, and students.


About the Basilica of Saint Ambrose:

Body of St. Ambrose
Photo courtesy Fr. A. J. Schrenk.

The body of Saint Ambrose, dressed in bishop’s vestments in the centerof the Basilica.

It is flanked by the bodies of the holy martyrs Gervasius and Protasius.

The location of their bodies was revealed to Ambrose in a dream in 386

His feast day on December 7th is a major event in the city. A tradition is that young boys and girls bring donations in to the Basilica in the morning and place them on an altar decorated with flower displays.  His body is on display here in his

The Basilica is located near the center of the city. You can take Metro Line Metropolitana MM2 (stop fermata S. Ambrogio( or bus ATM numbers 50, 58, 94).

Address: Piazza Sant’Ambrogio, 15, 20123 Milano, Italy

GPS coordinates: 45° 27′ 43.5672” N, 9° 10′ 28.1892” E

Tel: +39 02 8645 0895

Click here for the official website of the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio in Milan (in Italian).


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