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Rome: Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli (Holy Mary of Montserrat)


About Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli:

The Spanish National Church of Santiago and Montserrat, in Italian known as Church of Holy Mary in Monserrat of the Spaniards and in Spanish as Santa María de Montserrat de los Españoles, is the national church of Spain in Rome.

It is known for its many statues and beautiful artwork.  There some magnificent frescoes:  “Dormition of the Virgin” (1683) by Francesco Nappi and “Coronation of the Virgin” (1627) by Giovanni Battista Ricci. There are many statues in the church, especially noteworthy are those of    two saints of the Aragonne:  Saint Isabel of Portugal and Saint Petere Arbues.

There are also two popes entombed here: Callixtus III (1455-1458) and Alexander VI (1492-1503).  Until 1980 it also housed the remains of  the deposed King of Spain, Alfonso XIII but his remains were repatriated to the Pantheon of the Kings at El Escorial.

The church has a magnificent organ (visitors must be professionals to be allowed to play) and a choir whose main mission is the fruitful participation in the liturgy, especially in the Sunday Eucharist (12:30 pm), as well as in the festivities and solemnities provided for in the liturgical calendar. In addition, the Musical Chapel actively participates in the vigils, conferences and spiritual concerts traditionally organized by the Spanish National Church in Rome.

Finding Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli:

Address:  Via Giulia 151 – 00186 ROMA

Tel: +39 06-68.89.651

Email:  info@iglesianacionalespanola.com

Click here for the official website of Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spanoli in Rome (check out the excellent videos on their website, click “about us”, then  “multimedia”.

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