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Isola del Gran Sasso d’Italia: Shrine of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

About Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows:

A Saint of the 20th Century, but not well known around the world, he came from a large family and baptized with the name Francis.  His mother died when he was four.  Educated by the Jesuits, he hoped to join them as he had been cured twice of serious illnesses and felt that as a result he had been called to the religious life.

Unfortunately he was turned down by the Jesuits because of his age (he was not yet 17) and then after his sister died of cholera, he felt even more called and joined the Passionists, and adopted the name Gabriel Our Lady of Sorrows.

He was noted for his cheerful demeanor and spirit of prayer; unfortunately he developed tuberculosis after just four short years of religious life, and died at the age of 24 on February 27, 1862.  He was canonized in 1920, in the presence of some of his family members..


Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows was canonized in 1920.  He is considered patron saint of Clergy, students and young people


There is both an old and a new church here.

Traveling to Isola del Gran Sasso Italia:

Address:  Via Santuario San Gabriele 164045, Isola del Gran Sasso d’Italia, Italy

Tel:  +39 0861 97721

Click here for the official website of Sanctuary of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

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