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San Fruttuoso, Italy: Underwater statue of Christ of the Abyss (Cristo degli Abissi)

About the statue of Christ of the Abyss (Cristo degli Abissi):

The statue of Christ of the Abyssis is located in the waters off San Fruttuoso, about 10 miles southeast of Genoa and not far from the famous village of Portofino.  It is in about 50 feet of water, which makes it easily accessable to divers.  Made of bronze, it is about 8 feet tall and weighs almost 600 pounds (not including the foundation).  The statue was created by sculptor Guido Galletti, and its arms are raised upwards as a sign of invocation.

It is in about 50 feet of water, which makes it easily accessable to divers.  It was placed on the seabed on August 22, 1954, at the initiative of legendary Italian diver Duilio Marcante, who wanted to place a statue of Jesus following the death of his friend Dario Gonzatti, which occurred during a dive a few years earlier in that spot.

Following the death of Marcante was placed a plaque on the base of the statue in his memory.


Christ of the Abyss scuba divingThe Christ of the Abyss has become a tourist destination for scuba divers around the world.

In the village of San Fruttuoso there are plenty of diving centers that organize dives for tourists eager to see the statue.

The last Saturday in July, the town has a ceremony that includes the blessing of the sea and lighting of candles along the bay.

Finding the statue of Christ of the Abyss (Cristo degli Abissi):

As mentioned, the San Fruttuoso is only about 10 miles from Genoa.  Obviously, you will need to on…or in….the water to find the statue.

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