Home » Destinations. » Italy » Genoa, Italy: Home of Saint Catherine of Genoa & Basilica of Santa Maria di Castello » Genoa: Capuchin Convent and body of Saint Catherine of Genoa

Genoa: Capuchin Convent and body of Saint Catherine of Genoa

About Saint Catherine of Genoa:

Although born into a noble family, Catherine had an early calling to the religious life. That was only to come in God’s time, however, since she was refused admission to the convent at the age of 13 and then married off to a rather unpleasant man by the age of 17. Her first years of marriage were spent in misery, until she had a mystical experience at the age of 26, wherein she felt the overpowering of God’s love for her. Her husband was later converted as well and joined her in her endeavors.

Saint Catherine was known for caring for the poor and the sick especially during the plague that swept the city in the late 15th Century. When she died her body was placed in a coffin in the chapel of the hospital where she had served so selflessly.   The wooden coffin unfortunately suffered water damage, yet after it was removed a year later the body itself was found to be incorrupt.  

Her Feast Day is celebrated on September 15.

About the Capuchin Convent in Genoa:

Saint Catherine’s body was later transferred to the Capuchin Convent SS. Annunziata di Portoria near the center of town and can be viewed by the public in the Museum.

There are daily Masses (in Italian), and a vigil Mass on Saturdays at 5:30 p.m.

Address:  Viale IV Novembre, 16121 Genova, Italy

Tel:  (+39)  010 580 652

There is no website for the Convent.


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