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Castel Gandolfo, Italy: Catholic Institute of Technology

About Catholic Institute of Technology in Castel Gandolfo, Italy:

An American university located in the scenic Alban Hills of Castel Gandolfo, CatholicTech is a leading institution for scientific research and technical education. As a community of saints, scholars, and scientists, they are uniquely positioned to serve the Church and society.  Catholic Institute of Technology forms scientists, engineers and mathematicians who are dedicated to upholding the Catholic faith. This brand new university will welcome students for the first time in Fall 2024 to its campus here in Castel Gandolfo.

Those who, through willful ignorance, believe the false notion that the Catholic Church is anti-science will find it hard to accept the statement from Bill Haughey, co-founder of Catholic Tech:

CatholicTech will pioneer a new generation of Catholic scientists, scholars and saints to allow Catholic wisdom a seat at the table of scientific and technological advancement”.    “Building a community such as this requires a dedication and focus that is only possible in a technical university and specifically a research university.”

Their curriculum integrates the rigors of technical education with a moral and spiritual formation in the Catholic faith. This education enables their graduates to emerge as impactful leaders, capable of scientific research and innovation that is fully aligned with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Degrees are offered in Biology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science.

Tuition in 2024-25 for three quarters as a full-time student is $46,775.  This is a bit higher than the average tuition for a private college in the U.S., which reportedly averages $41,540, according to Education Data Initiative.

CatholicTech did offer competitive scholarship and financial aid packages to students who applied before the priority scholarship consideration deadline of February 15, 2024, We are not sure what financial aid packages will be available in the future…hopefully word will spread and donors will come forward.

For those who can afford it….or those receiving financial aid…it appears to be an opportunity of a lifetime (on over-used term, but one which certainly applies in this case).  Not only an outstanding Catholic education, but living in Italy and perhaps taking occasional trips to such places as Rome or other cities in Italy would certainly be an added benefit.

Traveling to The Catholic Institute of Technology in Castel Gandolfo:

Castel Gandolfo is just a short drive from Rome, easily reached by bus or taxi.

Address:  Via Santa Caterina 2, Castel Gandolfo, Italy

email:  info@catholic.tech

Click here for the official website of The Catholic Institute of Technology in Castel Gandolfo

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