Home » Destinations. » Ireland » Attymass, Ballina, Ireland Fr. Patrick Peyton CSR Memorial Centre


Fr. Patrick Peyton CSR Memorial Centre: Attymass, Ballina, Ireland


About Father Patrick Peyton:

Father Patrick Peyton was born on January 9, 1909 in the town of Carracastle in Attymass parish. He was a member of a family of nine children. At the age of 19 he and his brother, Tom, emigrated to the United States to join with their sister, Nellie. His wish from boyhood was to be ordained a priest, but his family in Ireland was unable to meet the cost of his education. He was able to travel to the United States and studied for the priesthood there.

During his final year in the seminary, he was diagnosed as having tuberculosis. At that time tuberculosis was incurable. Fr. Patrick was very weak and was given little hope by the medical team of recovering to full health. Fr. Patrick had great faith and prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary for a recovery to health. His prayers were answered and his health began to improve, to the amazement of the medical profession. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 15th, 194l.

Fr. Peyton was so grateful to the Blessed Virgin Mary for his health that he, with the permission of his superiors, began the Prayer Crusade which took him all over the world preaching the importance of prayer, especially family prayer.

He staged hundreds of radio and television shows with many of the famous movie stars such as Loretta Young, Bing Crosby, Jimmy Stewart and Lucille Ball taking part. He was the founder of “Family Rosary” and “Family Theatre”.

His slogan was: “The family that prays together, stays together.” He died in 1992. The Vatican allowed the Canonization process for Fr. Peyton to begin in 2001.  He was pronounced Venerable Servant of God in 2017, the second step on the path to Sainthood.  Here are the paths to Sainthood in the Catholic Church.

At a time when the family is under such intense pressure from an increasingly secular society, it is useful to try to put his message in to action.

About Fr. Patrick Peyton CSR Memorial Centre

Getting there: The centre is a bit out of the way, but not far from the train stations. We do not have exact GPS coordinates at this time.

Tel: +353 (0) 96 45374 Fax: +353 (0) 96 45375

email: ppmc@eircom.net

Click here for the Father Peyton Centre in Ireland

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Photos courtesy Father Patrick Peyton CSR Memorial Centre

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