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Tabgha, Israel: Church of the Primacy of Peter (Mensa Domini Church)


About Mensa Domini Church:

Located in Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, tradition tells us that this is the spot where Jesus reinstates Peter as chief among the Apostles. It was here, according to tradition, that Jesus was on the shore after His resurrection, cooking fish over a charcoal fire. They had not had any success fishing, and he told them to cast there nets one more time. The result was more fish than they could get into their boat.

And it was here, the third time that He appeared to them after rising from the dead, that he told Peter to “Feed my Sheep” (John 21: 1-24).

Rock in the church mensa Christi

The current church dates from 1933, although a much earlier one was built there. The spot is marked by the limestone rock in front of the altar as shown in the photo: Mensa Christi means “table of Christ”.

Getting there:

It is located on the Sea of Galilee, close to many of the other sites. Most Holy Land pilgrimages will include a stop here.

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