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Emmaus, Israel: “The Road to Emmaus”


About the Road to Emmaus:

The Road to Emmaus is mentioned in the Gospel of Saint Luke and is the first recorded appearance of Our Lord following his Resurrection. He appeared to the two disciples, Cleopas and Simeon, as they walked along the road to Emmaus. They were discouraged when life did not work out as they had expected it would and did not recognize Our Lord when He was with them.

How often are we in the same position? That is the real reason to visit any of these sites. We can put ourselves in the same state of mind as those disciples.

The exact location of His appearance is subject to some debate, and there are four possible contenders claiming to be the exact site of the Gospel passage.

To further complicate the discussion, there are three contenders for the location of the town of Emmaus: Nicopolis, Abu Gosh and El-Qubeibeh. Of these three, the latter is believed most likely by the Franciscan Custos of the Holy Land

Since this is the case, it is best to simply use your imagination and place yourself in the position of those to whom Jesus first revealed Himself. .

A church was built here over the ruins of a Byzantine Church and a later Crusader church and is open daily. Groups may schedule Masses here. We are not aware of any website for the Church.

Finding the Church in El-Qubeibeh:

P.O.B. 186 – Emmaus
91001 Jerusalem

Tel: +970. 2247.36.12
+970. 2 247.36.13 (suore)
Fax: +970. 2 247.36.14

Sanctuary Visiting Hours

Summer: 8:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-6:00pm
Winter: 8:00am-12:00pm and 2:00pm-5:00pm

Click here for the official website

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