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Bethlehem, Israel: The Chapel of the Milk Grotto


About the Chapel of the Milk Grotto:

One of the more interesting places to visit here in Bethlehem is the Milk Grotto.


Photo courtesy Select International Tours

According to tradition the Holy Family stopped here during their flight to Egypt. While the Virgin Mary was nursing the baby Jesus, a drop of her milk fell to the ground and the stone on which it fell turned white.

Today many women come here to ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin for a plentiful supply of milk for their children as well as for fertility and other birth-related concerns. Scrapings from the white walls are mixed with milk.

This spot is sacred to both Christians and Muslims. On the walls you’ll notice many pictures, letters and testimonies in thanksgiving for favors and healings granted at this special Grotto.


How to find the Chapel of the Milk Grotto:

Many group tours include this but some do not, which is a shame, since it is very close to Manger Square.

If you traveling with a group try to find out if it is included and if not, perhaps you can get the guide to take you there anyway, since you will be right in that area sometime during any Holy Land tour.

It’s located to the east of the Church of the Holy Nativity on Manger Square, on a street known as Milk Grotto Street.  Just exit the church from the front and take a left to Milk Grotto Street, turn left again it is about 200 feet ahead (the Google map shown here is on approximate).

There is no official website for the Shrine, but click here for the city of Bethlehem website.

There are many shrines dedicated to Our Lady of the Milk throughout the world, including this one in Saint Augustine, Florida.

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