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Athens, Greece: Where to find a Roman Catholic Mass

Since the main religion in the city is Greek Orthodox, you will have to do some searching to find a Roman Catholic Mass. Note that if you are unable to get to a Catholic mass when traveling, you can attend an Orthodox divine liturgy and it will satisfy your Sunday/holy day obligation. All Orthodox sacraments are considered valid by the Church.  Of course, the service itself will be quite different from what you are used to back home.

Arriving by Air:

Most people arriving by air will be staying in Athens, we assume, so the list of churches below should serve your interests.  There is a chapel in the airport, but we do not have any information as to whether any Catholic Masses are held there.

Arriving by cruise ship:

Piraeus is the port of Athens where cruise ships dock.   It is about 9 miles (15 kilometers) from the center of Athens and serves as the gateway to the city. It has docks for the many ferries to the Greek islands and ports such as Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey. There are 2 cruise terminals. Terminal A and B, with most cruise lines using Terminal A. There are shuttle buses between the two.

Piraeus has one Catholic church:

St. Paul’s Church: Filonos 23 Peiraieus  (Next to the cruise port)

Sunday Mass:    English Mass 1:00 pm (September till June)          12:00 pm (July and August)

Other Masses in Greek and Spanish

Tel:  +30   210-412 6166            Fax: +30   210-413 1666

email:  enoria@naos-aghiospavlos.gr

Click here for the official website of St. Paul’s Church

In Athens:

Certainly one of the most ancient and fascinating cities, most Christian churches are Greek Orthodox; however, you can find sevral Roman Catholic churches throughout the city.

The main Roman Catholic church in Athens is the Cathedral Basilica of St. Dionysius the Areopagite the seat of the Archbishop of Athens. Masses are usually in Greek but there are also Masses in English.  Sunday & Feast Day Mass in English at 6:30 p.m.

Address:  Πανεπιστημίου και, Omirou, Athina 106 72, Greece

Tel: +30 21 0362 3603

Click here for the official website of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Dionysius the Areopagite


Holy Apostles Church  

Mass Every Tuesday 10:00 am, 4th Sunday of the month 6:00 pm (From October till March), and 7:00 pm (from April till September)


Catholic Church of Saint John the Baptist, 11 Papanastasiou, Paleo Psychico, Tel 671-1410.

Mass every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. (October till March), 6:00 p.m. (April till September).


Chapel of St. Paul: Kokkinaki 4 Kifissia     email:  cathpavl@otenet.gr
Sunday Mass 11:00 am; Wednesday and Saturday 6:00 pm(October till March), 7:00 pm, (April til Sept)


The Carmelites Chapel: 6, 25th Martiou, Paleo Iraklio tel 281-1667
Mass Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.

Sisters of Saint Joseph: 10 Harilaou Trikoupi, tel 360-0190
Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Catholic Church of Saint John the Baptist: 11 Papanastasiou, Paleo Psychico,
Mass Sundays at 11:15 a.m.


 Italian community: 7 Gilfordou (Victorias Sq), Tel 821-8928


Sisters of Saint Joseph: 10 Harilaou Trikoupi, Tel 360-0190
Mass 10:00 a.m. Sundays


Ieros Naos Christou Sotiros: 28 Michael Voda (nr Omonia), Tel 883-5911

​ Masses Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses at 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m.


Catholic Church of Saint John the Baptist: 11 Papanastasiou, Paleo Psychico, tel 671-1410
​ Mass Sundays at 6:00 p.m.

Saint Paul’s Catholic Church: 4 Kokkinaki, Kifissia (very close to the subway terminal), tel 801-2526. Masses held on Saturdays at 6:00 pm and Sundays at 8.30 am and 11am


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18 thoughts on “Athens, Greece: Where to find a Roman Catholic Mass”

  1. Hi, for the German mass at Sisters of St Joseph, the address listed is “ 10 Harilaou Trikoupi” however when I try to find it on google maps, the closest spelling I can find is “Charilaou Trikoupi”. Would this be the address ?

    • Not sure why Google Maps does not show it. It may be spelled two ways, either beginning in H or C. The Catholic Directory shows 10 Harilaou Trikoupi and we assume that is correct. However, I believe they now only offer Mass in English.

  2. Hello! Do you know if the Cathedral of St. Denis has a Saturday afternoon Mass? It says on their website there is one at 6:30pm on Saturdays, but I didn’t see one listed here, so just wanted to confirm which is true.

  3. If we are in Greece on Easter weekend 7-9 April 2023 will we be able to attend Easter services and Mass or will they be in line with Greek Easter and be celebrated the following weekend 14-16 April?

    • Although the Greek Orthodox Church celebrates Easter on a different date, the Roman Catholic Church will celebrate Easter on April 9. Therefore, you can count on Easter Mass on the 9th and probably a vigil Mass on the 8th. You can contact the Catholic Church nearest to where you will be staying for further information.

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