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Erding, Germany: Eucharistic Miracle


The story of the Eucharistic Miracle of Erding:

In the 17th Century here in Erding, lived a peasant who seemed to have no success in life. Although he worked hard, his crops never yielded in any great quantity, and his livestock did poorly as well. Noting that his neighbor seemed to do very well, he asked him what his secret was. The neighbor replied that he kept the Blessed Sacrament in his house (meaning, he kept Jesus in heart). The simple peasant mis-understood this to mean the actual host, and decided that all he need to do was to get a consecrated host and keep it in his house as some sort of lucky charm.

One day at Mass, he took the host but did not consume it. Instead, he placed it in a clean linen cloth that he had brought for that purpose. As he walked home, though, he began to be stricken with conscience at what he had done. He had little religious education, but instinctively felt that his actions were sinful (and not only that, they were illegal). He decided to turn around and return to the church to confess his sins. As he was walking toward the church, the host flew out of the linen cloth, up into the air, and then landed on the ground. When it hit the ground, it disappeared.

Panic-stricken, he ran to the church, where the priest was greeting the local congregants and confessed to the priest. As soon as he heard his confession, he set off down the road to find the host, with much of the town behind him. Still a ways off, the priest spotted the host on the ground, gleaming white. As he got there and tried to pick up the host, it again flew up into the air, landed on the ground and disappeared, just as it had done before. When the local Bishop was informed of what happened, he came to the spot where the host disappeared and, once again, it was found gleaming on the ground. And, again, it flew up into the air (this time for a longer period than the previous two times) and then fell to the ground and disappeared. It was never seen again.

About the Church of the Holy Blood:

The church is open daily, but does not allow baptisms or weddings. The pastoral and organizational tasks are entrusted to The Pauline Fathers.

Traveling to Erding:

Originally Erding was in Bavaria, but is now part of Germany.  Erding is located about 20 miles Northeast of Munich and about 100 miles from the famous German shrine of Altotting. The two are often combined.

There are many local trains each day from Munich, taking about 45 minutes.  Get train & bus schedules, see fares & buy tickets here.

Address: Heilig Blut, 85435 Erding, Germany

GPS coordinates: 48° 17′ 54.0168” N, 11° 54′ 3.1104” E

Tel: +49 (08) 122 6722       Fax: +49 (08) 122 929 669

e-mail: pauliner.erding@t-online.de

Click here for the official website of the Holy Blood Church in Erding (in German)

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