Home » Destinations. » Germany » Cologne, Germany: Catholic Churches & Places of Interest » Cologne, Germany: the Church of Saint Andrew and Tomb of Saint Albertus Magnus (Saint Albert the Great)


Cologne, Germany: the Church of Saint Andrew and Tomb of Saint Albertus Magnus


About Saint Albertus Magnus (1200-1280):

One of the most brilliant men of the Middle Ages, Saint Albert Magnus composed what was really an encyclopedia, containing scientific treatises on almost every subject, and displaying an insight into nature and a knowledge of theology which few could equal. He was a Doctor Universalis.

In 1931 he was Canonized and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church, one of only 35 given that title.  He is more commonly referred to as Saint Albert the GreatWe celebrate his Feast Day on November 15.

About the tomb of Saint Albertus Magnus:

Tomb of Albertus Magnus in Cologne, Germany
Photo credit: Kempf EK [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]
His body lies in the crypt area of the Church of Saint Andrew which has been under the custody of the Dominicans since 1947. The Church is in the city center, and is unfortunately overlooked, due to the more famous Cologne Cathedral. It is well worth a visit, however, and among its many famous visitors was Pope John Paul II in 1980.

Finding the tomb of Saint Albertus Magnus:

Address: Komödienstraße 4, 50667 Köln, Germany

GPS coordinates: 50° 56′ 30.2964” N, 6° 57′ 18.4644” E

Tel: +49 221 160660

email: ankt-andreas@dominikaner.de

Click here for the official website of the Church of Saint Andrew in Cologne, Germany


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