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Toulouse: The Basilica of Saint Sernin

Construction on this huge Basilica began in the 11th century and is the largest Romanesque churche in Europe. But the history goes back to the third century, when the first Bishop of Toulouse, Saturninus, was martyred here. He frequently passed by the Roman capitol and temple between the church and his residence, but refused to pay homage to the pagan gods.

The pagans blamed him for the silence of their oracles. He was martyred by being drug about the city by a bull. He was buried nearby, and in the fifth century his remains were dug up and placed in a church built on this site. He became known as Saint Sernin, and over time the Saint Sernin church became an important stop on the pilgrimage road to Santiago de Compostela.

In addition to the body Saint Sernin, there are other relics in chapels and two levels of crypts, along with a piece of the True Cross, which is in an enameled copper reliquary made in the 12th century. There are also some magnificent ancient pieces of religious art.


Finding Saint Sernin Basilica in Toulouse:

Tel:  +33 5 61 21 80 45

Click here for the official website of Saint Sernin Basilica in Toulouse.

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