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Paris: Church of Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois

About the Church of Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois:

The history of the church dates back to the 7th century but the current building can be dated from the 15th century.  Like many churches in Paris it was re-built several times over the centuries, giving it Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance features.  The term “hidden gem” is over-used perhaps, but we do feel that it describes Saint-Germain l-Auxerrois.

Among the areas of interest are beautiful stained-glass windows as well as some frescoes behind the main altar.  The church contains many sculptures including Saint Vincent de Paul (his shrine is in Paris), Jean d’Arc, Isabelle of France and St Genevieve, patron saint of Paris.

The church was chosen to host the Christmas Eve Mass in place of Notre Dame Cathedral for December 24, 2019 following the disastrous fire earlier in the year which renedered Notre Dame unusable.


Finding the Church of Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois:

Church of Saint-Germain_l'Auxerrois in Paris
By Saint-Germain_l’Auxerrois.jpg: Plinederivative work: Maedin\talk – Saint-Germain_l’Auxerrois.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11546744

The church is located at Place du Louvre,just east of the museum. The exterior still has the medieval bell tower, making it easy to find.

Address:  2 Place du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France

Tel:  +33 1 42 60 13 96


Click here for the official website of the Church of Saint-Germain l”Auxerrois

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