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Dubrovnik: The Church of Saint Ignatius & Collegium Ragusinum

About the Church of Saint Ignatius in Dubrovnik:

The Baroque style Church is similar to that of the Church of St.Ignatius in Rome. A nobleman of the Gundulic family financed the building of the church, but did not live long enough to see to see its completion in 1725.  It is a single nave church with a facade and designed by architect Ignacio Pozzo.   The Baroque frescoes in the church’s interior depict scenes from the life of St. Ignatius and were the work of Gaetano Garcia.

In 1885 an artificial cave was built in the church that was a small duplicate of the shrine at Lourdes. It is one of the oldest of its kind in Europe. The cave was painted by the famous Italian Jesuit artist Antonio Mosheni.

Address: Poljana Ruđera Boškovića 7, 20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tel: +385    20 323 500

About the Collegium Ragusinum in Dubrovnik:

The Collegium Ragusinum, sometimes also Rhagusinum, was the Jesuit college in what was, at the time, the Republic of Ragusa…….now Croatia.  The Jesuits had been in Ragusa since the late 16th century.  The college was established in 1658 but then closed in 1773 with the suppression of the Society of Jesus.

It was the first educational institution in the city of Dubrovnik and focused on the natural sciences and the arts.  Today the building hosts a grammar school and a large library.

Address: Poljana Ruđera Boškovića 7, 20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia


Finding the Church of Saint Ignatius and the Collegium Ragusinum in Dubrovnik:

An example of Baroque architecture, The Jesuit Stairs lead up to Boškovićeva Poljana (Bošković Square) with the church in the center. The square is also host to public concerts in the summer time.

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