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Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Aerial view of Quebec City, QuebecA walled city, overlooking a river, with a deep French history. You might think we were talking about a city in France, but actually we are talking about Quebec City in Canada. In fact, you will find French spoken more often than English.  It is the only walled city north of Mexico (The Citadelle is an active military garrison and a National Historic Site located on Cap Diamant).

Since was settled by the French, it has been greatly influenced by the Catholic Church and has many places of interest to Catholic travelers.  It is also a popular port of call for many cruises..there is more than one cruise port, so check to see which your cruise will be using.

Among the most significant Catholic sites in the city are:

Monastery of the Augustines

Musee de L’Amerique Francophone

Museum of the Ursulines

Notre Dame de Quebec Cathedral

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