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Tom & Sue’s Excellent Adventure Day 15 Rosetto….our day off!

Buena Sera!

I figured I would send this since Sue is still repacking and it won’t be long. We have a marvelous hotel and the views are wonderful. Yesterday was the first day we had any rain and this morning we woke up to a nasty rain storm. Who cared? We slept 12 hours and by the time we had breakfast and got ready to leave the sun was shinning and we couldn’t wait to get back for a nap on the beach. It was laundry day and time to reorganize our luggage so we set out to find the Lavendiere. After a couple of stops for directions we made it. It wasn’t easy trying to figure out how to work the machines but after due diligence we got them going, then we found the English instructions on a pad…duh!

Having time we went for a cappuccino and went back to check on our clothes, when a younger Italian fellow came in with a large bag. I could see he didn’t have a clue so I showed him how to use the machines. The blind leading the blind! I explained to him in sign language that he had 45 minutes and he said motioned and said he was going to his casa, for his boys, he said his name was Victor and we introduced ourselves. It was now apparent he was divorced. He struggled to communicate and we managed. He had brought a huge comforter to wash and as we watched the machine after it filled with water it wouldn’t move. It had to be the weight, so we kept pressing the buttons and after several attempts of small turns and shutting off it started. We were finishing up when Victor’s comforter was done so I put it in the dryer for him and paid for the first 7 minute segment.(last of the big spenders, 1 euro) he arrived when we were leaving and was so happy to see his laundry in the dryer. He tried to pay me and I said no but he insisted so I told him 10 euro(only kidding) He gave me a euro and I showed him how much the dryer cost and what to do. We bid farwell feeling good that we had helped some one. Before we left I took the full bottle of detergent that we didn’t need and gave it to Victor, he was touched and excited and said thank you and then I love you, I think, and I ran to the car. LOL

We dropped everything off at the hotel and Sue organized as I checked both of our e-mail. Sue freaked out when I got her down to 0, yes 0, e-mails in her inbox. Her norm is never below 80. I hope she sleeps tonight. It had starting raining again so the beach was out but we were hungry and went to search out anyplace that was open.

We found a joint on the main drag and went in. It was pizzas, calzones and a few home cooked dishes so we ordered 3 different pizza slices, a calzone and a sausage, egg and zucchini dish. Mama the owner was there and spoke some English and her daughter waited on us. The food was great and we had a 1/2 carafe house wine that was superb. Mama was getting ready to leave so I got the bill, was it expensive, 13 euro, how stupid for great food.  If prices were this good back home we could eat out every night! We talked for a few minutes and as we departed into the rain we heard mama go “singing in the rain”, she had a pretty good voice.

That’s about it. We did manage to relax and I expect another 12 hour sleep is in the cards. Good Night and God Bless Susan & Tom