Home » Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 2024 Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 2024 Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 2024 Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference

All Day
July 25, 2024 July 27, 2024

The Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference is a biennial offering sponsored by the Southwest Liturgical Conference (SWLC). The first HPMC was held in 1999 when Mary Francis Reza hosted in Albuquerque with great success. The SWLC decided to sponsor a similar conference every other summer. The purpose of the conference is to provide professional and pastoral opportunities for music ministers who serve in Spanish speaking or bi-lingual communities. Through speakers and workshop presenters, participants learn more about the Catholic liturgy, improve their knowledge and skills for music ministry, learn new music from accomplished composers and gain renewed enthusiasm for excellence in their ministry. A significant number of presentations are in Spanish, but English presentations are also provided.


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