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Trappist, Kentucky: Abbey of Gethsemani

About Gethsemani Abbey in Trappist, Kentucky:

The Abbey of Gethsemani is a community of Roman Catholic monks belonging to the worldwide Order of Cistercians of Strict Observance commonly known as Trappist. The community was established in 1848 in Trappist, Kentucky.  The monks of the Abbey pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily : Vigils, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline. These are the seven “hours” of the liturgy of the hours or opus Dei (work of God) as St. Benedict called it in his Rule.

Guests are welcome to join them for any of these services as well as for the community Mass.

Visiting the Abbey:

The Welcome Center includes a film and a display about monastic life at Gethsemani. They earn their living by making fruitcake and bourbon fudge.  There is a shop with their products and a fine selection of gifts and books. It is open Monday-Saturday, 9-5, with the exception of public holidays and holy days of obligation.

While in or near the buildings, guests are expected to observe respect for silence. Once away from the buildings on monastic grounds conversation is permitted.  In one, you listen to recorded messages and talks about spirituality and in the other, down the hall from the cafeteria strict silence is observed.

People of every Christian and non-Christian denomination are welcome for retreats and to our prayer services.  Abbey retreats are silent, unstructured and undirected. .  Private consultation with one of the monks can be arranged, if desired. Guests are welcome to participate in the Eucharist and hours of prayer. The abbey’s many acres of woodlands and fields afford extensive space for reflection and prayer.

The library has an ample selection of classic and contemporary religious and other books and periodicals.

The west side of the property, about 1200 acres on the side of the road opposite the church, is open to the public for extended walks and hikes. There are miles of trails through the knobs on this side of the road. For maps of the trails, ask at the Welcome Center. Feel free to strike off on your own, but take note of the turns you take. People (including monks) have gotten lost over there!

Accommodations at the Abbey:

The Guesthouse has 30 rooms for men and women, all with private baths and showers, five with two beds, and several for persons with disabilities.  The Guesthouse is air-conditioned and has an elevator.

The Monastery Wing has 15 single rooms for men only, all with sinks. Other wash facilities are in common. There is no air conditioning (fans are provided) and no elevator. These rooms are not suitable for people with disabilities.

All buildings are smoke-free.

Traveling to Gethsemani Abbey in Trappist, Kentucky:

The Abbey is located roughly 50 miles south of Louisville.

Address:  3642 Monks Road, Trappist KY 40051

Tel:  +1  (502) 549.3117

Click here for the official website of Gethsemani Abbey in Trappist, Kentucky

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