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Louisville, Kentucky: Grotto and Garden of Our Lady of Lourdes and Shrine to Saint Margaret Castello at St Bertrand Parish

The Grotto and Garden of Our Lady of Lourdes at Saint Bertrand Church in Louisville:

From the early days of St Louis Bertrand Parish there existed a great devotion to Mary’s Rosary. After Mary’s appearance at Lourdes in 1858 with a rosary in her hands, the parish planned and built a grotto similar to the one in Lourdes. This was one of the earliest Grotto Shrines to Our Lady of Lourdes erected in the world.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes remains very similar today, though the running water has been removed and Stained-Glass windows of other apparitions have been added.

In addition to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, there is also a Shrine dedicated to Saint Margaret of Castello.


Finding The Grotto and Garden of Our Lady of Lourdes at Saint Bertrand Church in Louisville:

Address:  1104 South Sixth Street. Louisville, KY, 40203 – 3114

Tel. +1 (502) 583 – 4448   Fax (502) 589 – 0056

Click here for the official website of Saint Bertrand Church in Louisville, Kentucky



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