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Columbus, Ohio: Jubilee Museum


About Jubilee Museum in Columbus:

A fantastic museum that is not as well known as it should be, Jubilee Museum was founded by Fr. Kevin Lutz in 1998. Its purpose is to preserve the Catholic mind and memory as it is represented in art as well as Catholic Church history. The museum embraces liturgical art and secondarily any art that in some way tells the story directly or indirectly of Christ, Mary, the saints, and the history of the Catholic Church.

The Museum serves a three-fold purpose:

1. Preservation of our historical patrimony in art, liturgy, music, paintings, statuary, etc.

2. Restoration of artistic and liturgical items to sacred use in the Diocese and as far away as the domestic and foreign missions.

3. Evangelization and education through the teaching power of art depicting the Bible, Christian History, Diocesan History, and the lives of the saints.

With over 15 rooms, Jubilee Museum has hundreds of Catholic religious paintings, statues, vestments, altars, and personal devotion items. Jubilee Museum has been recognized by the Vatican as the largest collection of diversified Catholic art in the United States.

Major rooms are the Tridentine Chapel, the Synagogue, the Relic Chapel and the Rotating Exhibits Chapel.

Tours offered throughout their open hours, or by appointment in the evening or on Mondays.

There is a $10.00 admission fee for adults/ $5 for children, students and senior citizens.

Finding Jubilee Museum in Columbus:

Address: 57 South Grubb St. Columbus, OH 43215

Tel:  +1 (614) 600-0054

email:  info@jubileemuseum.org

Click here for the official website of the Jubilee Museum in Columbus, Ohio.  And click here for a great video showcasing the museum and its history.
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