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Daniel Island (Charleston), South Carolina: Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church

About Daniel Island, South Carolina:

The island bears a separate name but is actually considered part of Charleston since it is only separated from downtown Charleston by the Cooper River.

About Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church on Daniel Island:

This is a relatively new Church…. formally established on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014.  It is, however, built in the traditional style that will no doubt appeal to many.

The installation of the 600+ piece, 5-ton marble high altar (reredos) and one-ton free standing altar was completed in early March of 2014 as well as the installation of twelve 120-year-old stained glass windows.  Newly manufactured stained glass windows were also added to complete the construction.

The church has has crucifix that resembles the Byzantine-style one that spoke to Saint Francis in the church of San Damiano, modeled after the Basilica of Saint Clare in Assisi, where she is buried.  And her words, “Love God Serve God,” are chiseled over the main entrance and emblazoned in a mosaic in the narthex.


Finding Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church in Daniel Island, South Carolina:

Physical address:

990 Etiwan Park Street, Daniel Island, SC 29492
(no mail to this address)

Parish Offices
Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church
225 Seven Farms Drive, Suite 100
Daniel Island, SC 29492

Tel:  +1 843.471.2121

Click here for the official website of Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church in Daniel Island, South Carolina

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