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Zermatt, Switzerland

About Zermatt:

As you might expect of this town in the Swiss Alps, with the Matterhorn towering in the Background, is known for skiing, climbing and hiking. There are public outdoor ice-skating rinks, and the main street, Bahnhofstrasse is lined with boutique shops, hotels and restaurants and bars.

Catholic Churches in Zermatt:

Zermatt Switzerland Catholic Parish Church of St. MauritiusThe Parish church of St Mauritius

Fairly simple in design, it was renovated in 1980 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the parish. Pastor Eduard Imhof completely renovated the church. A few things have changed inside: to make it even more simple, taking out the confessionals, the pulpit and re-arranging the altar.  Not sure that was an improvement but in the wake of Vatican II many “modern” changes were made.  Still, it is a Catholic church and the Mass is the Mass.  The mural on the ceiling, “Noah’s Ark”, is by Paolo Parente.



Finding the Parish Church of St. Mauritius in Zermatt, Switzerland:

The church is in the center of town, so you cannot miss it.

Address:  Englischer Viertel 8, Zermatt 3920, Switzerland

Click here for the official website of the Parish Church of St. Mauritius in Zermatt, Switzerland

The chapels of Zermatt

Mountain chapel in Zermatt, SwitzerlandUp until the mid-20th centuries many local families lived up in the mountains in small hamlets during the summer months (usually mid-June through mid-September) when they could graze their cattle…… and then returned to live in the village during the winter.

There are quite a few chapels and prayer houses in the area as a result of these summer residents.

Click here for a list of the chapels in the Zermatt area.



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