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Sidolo, Italy: Grave of Father Giuseppe Beotti

About Father Giuseppe Beotti

Born in 1912 to a farm family, Giuseppe Beotti went on to became a diocesan priest on 2 April 2, 1938. He was known for his cahritable works as well as his commitment to the formation of young people. He offered his help to everyone: partisans, Jews, soldiers, wounded. During the German occupation he defended the rights of his parishioners, and although he faced criminal charges, he was not convicted.

He helped fleeing soldiers and helped arrange for hiding over 100 Jews in farmhouses provided by his parishoners.  Faced with the danger of Nazi roundups and reprisals, he did not flee, but remained a point of reference in his church in Sidolo, in the province of Parma, assiduous in prayer.

He was arrested and shot on 20 July 1944 in Sidolo together with a priest and a seminarian who had taken refuge in the church with him.


Decree of Martyrdom for Father Giuseppe Beotti:

On May 20, 2023 in  audience with the prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Pope Francis approved the decree on the martyrdom of Father Giuseppe Beotti, thus paving the way for his beatification.


Grave of Father Giuseppe Beotti:

Cimitero di Sidolo
Sidolo, Provincia di Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy


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