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Padua, Italy: Basilica of Saint Justina (Basílica de Santa Justina) & Relics of Saint Luke the Evangelist

About Saint Justina:

Little is known about the life of Saint Justina, St. Justina of Padua (October 7) was a virgin of noble birth in the city which claims her patronage. Born in Padua about the middle of the first century, her father Vitalian was a rich nobleman and prefect of Padua. Her parents were converted to Christianity by the preaching of Saint Prosdocimo, and not having been blessed with children up to that time, they received Justina in answer to their prayer.[1]

She was devoted to religion from her earliest years and ultimately she took the vow of perpetual virginity. At this time arose the persecutions of the Christians by Nero, and Maximian the prefect who had succeeded Vitalian, proved himself particularly brutal. As Justina would visit the prisons to comfort and encourage the Christians there, Maximian ordered her arrest. While she was passing by the Pont Marin near Padua she was seized by the soldiers. When she was brought before Maximian he was struck by her beauty and endeavoured by every means to shake her constancy. However, she remained firm against all attacks and the prefect caused her to be slain with the sword around 304 AD.

She is the patron saint of Padua. We celebrate her Feast Day on October 7.


About the Basilica of Saint Justina in Padua & the relics of Saint Luke:

Perhaps the most notable feature here is the tomb holding some of the relics of Saint Luke the Evangelist, the author of the third Gospel and of the Acts of the Apostles. The reason there are only some relics here is that, although most of his body is here,  his head is in Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague and his rib at the tomb in Thebes.

Research on the body was conducted by at least 30 scientists and finally ended on June 6, 2001, after 86 working sessions. Various tests, although not 100% conclusive, indicate that this most likely the body of Saint Luke. You can read more about that here.

The Basilica of Saint Justina was completed in  1562 and Saint Luke’s relics were transferred to the new Basilica.  The relics are their in the left transept of the Basilica.

We celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Luke on October 18.


Finding the Basilica of Saint Justina (Basílica de Santa Justina)  in Padua:

Address:  Via Giuseppe Ferrari, 2/A, 35123 Padova PD, Italy

Tel: +39 049 822 0411

Click here for the official website of the Basilica of Saint Justina in Padua

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